Comunicato stampa – Reggio Calabria 1 marzo 2011.
Gianluca Romeo : "Now we leave the Strait of Messina Bridge project and the funds were intended for the securing of Reggio Calabria."
The tragedies and the enormous damage caused by bad weather at this time in our city must find a concrete and urgent response. We need a special plan for our municipal area is made safe as quickly as possible. A buffer that nothing will serve interventions may only postpone broader tragedies.
What we say years from now will return to relevance today: the funding for the bridge over the Straits should be used to save our land from natural disasters and hydrogeological. In Reggio Calabria is a special plan to put in security across the country, especially in peripheral areas at this time that people facing total isolation.
Our Municipal Administration, by contrast, seems to be increasingly convinced of the goodness of the mega-opera. In fact, these days, with as much deliberation, has authorized the Mayor to ask the Stretto di Messina to establish a technical committee to enable it to participate in the City of Reggio Calabria. In this dramatic moment is utterly ironic - before the real need to protect the safety of our citizens - so much waste of public money for the construction of the bridge and science fiction works of the so-called "collateral damage" that might further aggravate the situation of our country.
would only be proper that the entire Municipality of Reggio Calabria and take note of this situation is exceptionally serious, officially requesting that the funds for the bridge are now used for the safety of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Strait, thus finally putting aside this expensive and unnecessary project. And 'This is the only possible solution to prevent even Reggio Calabria was soon involved in a terrible tragedies like that of Giampilieri. ; ;
Gianluca Romeo
; ; ; PRC Provincial Secretary
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