Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eyetoy As Webcam On Vista

A summary of survey results on the final stretch of the stream San Bernardino

Investigations on the terminal course of the stream San Bernardino showed a rather compromise than the potential of the watercourse.

The five fish species: brown trout, minnow, bullhead, roach, chub. Following an estimate of the population (from 0 = absent to 5 = abundant).

Downstream of Pozzone Santino:
Brown trout: 1; a roach, a minnow, bullhead, 2, 0 chub

final stretch (just above the bridle over the insurmountable traffic police station):
Brown Trout 1; roach 3; 2 minnow, bullhead, 4, 1 chub.

Under the bridle: Brown trout
2; roach 3, a minnow, bullhead, 2, 1 chub.

bullhead (Cottus gobio )

Brown trout (Salmo trutta trutta ) ready to migrate to the lake (silver livery)

Chub ( Squalius cephalus)

hydro-morphological pressures (the presence of a bridle impassable and the reduction of the "wet read" the river because of the reduced flow at certain times of the year) are among the likely causes of biodiversity loss and reduction of stocks in the population. We can not exclude the role of other human activities, coupled with the hydro-morphological pressures already mentioned above, may have contriubuito to impoverish the fish community of the stream.

Only investigations of medium to long term (3-5 years), taking into account the ecosystem as a whole can afford to get the answers you need for a management-oriented conservation resources, protection of biodiversity and sustainable exploitation of this waterway.


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