Reggio Calabria, March 4, 2011 .
At about
Aldo Varano
Dear Director,
as my personal practice, I read with great interest your editorial on ( The
crisis center left. PD, Sel, Rc, IDV: Samson Syndrome, which killed all the Philistines ), trying to snatch
the deeper meaning, even the underlying nuances. Lines are heavy in the sense that
a thorough reflection, can not bend to a first reading but require space and time
additional evaluation. Therefore, we want to try my hand with your nell'interlocuzione
analysis, convinced that they are even more important in the challenge by moving into allegations that
to share.
is true, the people of the Centre - as seen in its broad articulation - it is simply lost. Not
understand what's happening in the increasingly grotesque assemblage of unprotected center
political and party, and if he refuses to understand the logic and perspective. It is an uncomfortable truth that comes from
far, producing an uncomfortable estrangement from political parties and its remoteness from the (pseudo)
managers, until the dismissal genuine public engagement and activism . The writer, with all
awareness e tutta l’umiltà dei limiti che ne caratterizzano il protagonismo sulla scena politica, ha
più volte espresso la sua opinione fortemente critica sulla situazione del centrosinistra reggino. Sulle sue
ipocrisie strumentali. Sui suoi opportunismi senza respiro politico. Sulla sua sconnessione rispetto al
vissuto della società. Di più, chi scrive ha anche contestato – apertamente e pubblicamente – i “giochi
pericolosi” di molti dei suoi (potenziali) alleati, accusandoli di propensione alla sconfitta piuttosto che
di miseri interessi di bottega piuttosto even of conniving with the enemy.
Against this background, with the aim of providing a substantial shock to the center and build a new
and mature political alternative, we decided - almost ten months now - to propose a
candidacy for mayor for Reggio Calabria, a political and electoral innovative idea of \u200b\u200ba city
feasible. We did this in an almost informal, worn out by the logic of the tired and useless
liturgy party, we did it by focusing on transparency and open dialogue with the city, senza rete
alcuna di protezione, esaltando e sublimando la partecipazione come valore in sé, come antidoto ai
vecchi schemi e alle vecchie logiche di potere. La candidatura di Massimo Canale rientrava (e rientra
ancora) nell’idea di un centrosinistra che deve mettere a valore tutte le sue esperienze e le sue pluralità,
che deve perseguire l’unità di tutte le sue energie nella politica come nella società, che deve delineare e
condividere una visione della nuova Reggio Calabria. In nessun caso, per quel che riguarda la mia
comunità and my political organization, Massimo Canale was instrumental in the internal battle
coalition pawn to be moved to better position itself in future power structures of the center
reggino: it would be offensive to the truth of our commitment of recent months, would be even more offensive
about the intelligence and autonomy of the channel.
Not everything is the same as the center of Reggio Calabria, and the responsibility they deserve to be shared in a
fair and proportional. We have not thought of the proceedings, that the match for the administrative
was completely lost: so complicated and difficult but not impossible. We got to work
on time, well in advance, in an attempt to open a real dialogue with such a large part of the city of Reggio Calabria
to recover pieces of the reason our society and communities - in deadlines
previous election - had rejected the Centre as such. Channel, and we with him, he pursued
un'interlocuzione true associations and social organizations, with lawsuits and the reality of
conflict with marginal situations, and suburbs, by centering his discussion on the public
problems and participation from below. The programs, the myth recited by all and (almost) none
substantiated, Channel exalted them as never before, making contaminated - more: drive - the merits
issues, proposals for the future , the inclusion of the energies of civil society. Not all
center is the same: we have spoken and we're talking about the Reggio future, we
practice, practice democratic participation e l’apertura, noi abbiamo avuto e abbiamo
posizioni politiche coerenti e lineari. Canale, pur con tutti i limiti e le contraddizioni di un’esperienza
come la sua, ha saputo suscitare entusiasmi nascosti, ha saputo destare disponibilità e volontà a dir poco
intorpidite, e ne avremo dimostrazione con le liste che lo supporteranno nella sua sempre più probabile
competizione elettorale da candidato sindaco.
Ancora, non abbiamo avuto (e non abbiamo) alcuna presunzione di autosufficienza, alcuna arroganza
settaria. Non abbiamo mai inteso imporre la nostra candidatura e il nostro progetto, al contrario abbiamo
sempre parlato della costruzione di una coalizione la più ampia e plurale possibile. Perché nostro
obiettivo è essere in tanti, un gruppo forte e competitivo, il nostro obiettivo è battere gli avversari del
centrodestra, non certo vincere la battaglia al nostro interno (che orizzonte assai mediocre!). La nostra
richiesta di primarie, più volte manifestata, a questo serviva (e servirebbe ancora, eventualmente):
coinvolgere tutte le energie positive del centrosinistra, non imporre alcun passo indietro a none of
these energies, build an application and an alliance unified and legitimized by the consent of the people of
center. Were other, perhaps more interested in their internal balance and the dynamics of power
future, to oppose waste, reticence, references, closures, prejudices. The result is that, to date, Massimo
Channel is the only real candidate in the field and a coalition of center-unit - in fact - not
Even the Province, I do change quickly, we have supported and confirmed the need to
propose the candidacy of President Morabito, associating it with a team of center-
compact and qualified it to be able to enhance the good work done in recent years
Palazzo Foti and to propose the correct assumptions for the future development of the province of Reggio and its many
territories. No internal calculation, no particular opportunism, no transformer of sorts:
only clarity before the voters and the will to talk about concrete issues. Responsibility
us if, even today, the nomination President Morabito has not been made official, if still
not know the real intention of some political forces on the center-left alliance
Province? Again, we repeat, not all of the center is the same.
And I come to conclusions, Director. It is perfectly legitimate, for its part, think that everyone - in
center - afflicted with the syndrome of Samson "and, given the game lost with the center,
prefer to devote himself entirely to the internal war for future gains from the point of view
election. Just as it is in your power to speak of a general and broad "fair and cunning
of the Vanities" in which someone is suffering from the syndrome of the candidate (whether or not the possibility of
his alleged financial support for this syndrome, it is impossible for us leading) or it is demonstrated
so naive as to sacrifice today for future compensation hypothetical election (as the poet said, the
"Diman there is no certainty"). However, however, must also prove that it is necessary also lead to
its support facts and real situations, recognizing that what has been said and done and proposed by
some than by others is basically the same responsibilities. In my view, a modest but
still think not, because there was the person who proposed a serious political perspective and who, contrary to
, was wrapped in his cocoon with no momentum to the company . We feel, therefore
himself, raised? Be happy for this same reason, a consolatory self-absolution? None of this,
l’esatto contrario, semmai: avvertiamo su di noi comunque il peso di una sconfitta, quella di non poter
offrire al nostro popolo la prospettiva politica che pure si meriterebbe. La stessa per la quale abbiamo
lavorato tenacemente, a partire dalla candidatura di Massimo Canale e dalla riproposizione del
Presidente Morabito. Ma, e questo lo pretendiamo, la realtà non è mai così rigidamente binaria e
manichea, del tipo o bianco o nero: vi sono sfumature varie, vi sono piegature le più diverse, e
vorremmo che fossero riconosciute per dare ad ognuno la sua giusta part.
With estimates unchanged.
Antonio Larosa - Reggio Calabria Province Secretary PRC
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