Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Conferenza stampa PRC Reggio calabria merc 23 Feb: analisi e proposte della situazione politico-amministrativa

PRESS CONFERENCE - Reggio Calabria 23 February 2011


After doing so - most recently - in the appeal was signed by the network to untie Calabria and New Town Hall and the views expressed during the meeting of parties in the provincial center of U.S. February 17, the PRC Reggio Calabria reiterates the absolute urgency and necessity of primary for the detection of single mayoral candidate and to build a coalition of center-wide and plural.
Without the tool of the primary elections, the center - as a unified coalition, electorally competitive, inclusive of the political forces of civic organizations, associations, single individuals, and so on. - Simply does not exist . For the primaries, in fact - albeit a time, in different ways and accents - have spoken out clearly and SEL PRC as party symbols, political movements and networks as associative unties Calabria, Network New Town Hall and head up, candidates already in the field such as Massimo Channel (which will take a step back just before the verdict of the people of the center, which is facing a defeat in the primaries). Other realities, such as Ethos and the Greens, have amply demonstrated its willingness to support Massimo Canale, first in the primaries and municipal elections then. Moreover, in many several times, have expressed their unwillingness to build a center-left coalition united only in the presence of the primaries for the identification of candidate for mayor.
The alternative proposed by the Primary PD and others, as well as ineffective è del tutto superata dal punto di vista della rappresentatività e dei tempi di proposta . Ipotizzare che 5 o 6 sigle di partito si riuniscano al chiuso di una segreteria per decidere il candidato maggiormente unitario al loro interno, e poi che lo stesso candidato venga proposto alle forze di centrosinistra che sono fuori dal tavolo dei partiti, è un metodo completamente sbagliato, un metodo che parla al passato e che chiude presuntuosamente il recinto del centrosinistra invece che aprirlo alla società. La coalizione di cui abbiamo bisogno ha necessità di andare ben oltre le sigle di partito, ha bisogno di coinvolgere ogni energia e ogni risorsa collocata nel campo politico-culturale del centrosinistra: solo le primarie, alla situazione odierna, possono garantire uno scenario di questo tenore.
Non abbiamo più tempo a disposizione. Chi davvero intende perseguire l’unità del centrosinistra deve smettere ogni chiusura pregiudiziale, a partire da quella nei confronti delle primarie. Così come a nulla serve disquisire ideologicamente, al tavolo provinciale piuttosto che a quello regionale, sul valore intrinseco delle primarie e/o sui tempi ottimali per la loro organizzazione : la situazione odierna, hic et nunc , ci dice con chiarezza che senza le primarie – sia pure organizzate in maniera affrettata e con tempi non proprio ideali – il centrosinistra si presenterà diviso (e, Therefore, non-competitive) elections.
It 's the time of liability. If, within a few days there will be a positive response on the primary , the PD and the other parties of the center will be primarily responsible for a break in the center, which refers to the narrow interests of the shop rather than the construction of a generous draft prospect. the PRC - which has expressed its support for a candidacy like that of authoritative Massimo Canale, who outlined his candidate with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future of Reggio, who has proposed rules and boundaries for the development of a broad coalition and plural - the PRC will not feel responsible for the divisions of the center and self-determine in accordance with what is his political and organizational autonomy and according to those who have the interests of social classes represented. We are also ready and willing to take distinct paths from the PD and the other parties fielded at his side, if the situation will force him to : we have a clear conscience because there is a noticeable difference between those who have authoritative field a candidate in the primaries, however, and suggests a spirit of coalition and those who did not make any application and refused to open up to comparison with other subjects and other political and electoral projects.

provincial elections

The PRC Reggio Calabria reiterates its full support to the revival of center-left alliance led by President Morabito for the renewal of the provincial council , an alliance that begins with the majority who ruled in the Palazzo Foti consiliatura due and try to expand to other organized expressions of democracy and civil society Reggina. Thus, a preliminary operation serves transparency on certain subjects which, although fairly Morabito supported the President and his majority in the last 5 years, have not yet clarified their position and their position in the election contest next venture .

Even for the Province, the time is absolutely ripe for a taking of public accountability on the part of the center, through three basic steps to be implemented as soon as possible:
1. meeting of the political center of Reggio with President Morabito, aimed at analyzing the situation and the definition delle linee guida di un nuovo progetto politico-elettorale
2.       documento pubblico di sostegno per la ricandidatura del Presidente Morabito, sottoscritto dai partiti del centrosinistra reggino che intendono partecipare alla nuova coalizione
3.       assemblea pubblica per la definizione dell’alleanza e per l’allargamento della coalizione ad altre forze della democrazia e della società civile reggine

Chiediamo che il PD, in his capacity as President of the party giving the province to convene immediately a provincial center of the table extended to the participation of the President Morabito.
We further demand that any objections and reservations of the fund by any person of the center - if any - emerge immediately, fairly and transparently, we must avoid any ambiguity, we avoid any waste of time and organizational resources, we must work to build a program and lists that are truly up to the task.

The Provincial Secretary of the PRC Reggio Calabria


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