Press - Reggio Calabria 18 February 2011.
Gianluca Romeo: "Decree Milleproroghe will be penalized thousands of temporary teachers and Reggio Calabria. And 'yet another slap in the face of the Government in the South. "
There are no words to truly define the attitude of this Government in respect of Calabria in southern Italy. Thousands of temporary teachers in our region and our province will again be discriminated by a rule specifically included in the notorious Decree Milleproroghe.
few days ago the Constitutional Court had rejected the decision of the Minister Gelmini on the rankings of teachers precarious. The Minister had in fact denied, who was part of a provincial ranking, moving to another province retaining its score. In this case the teacher, moving its ranking would be over soon "in line" and not in a position legitimately obtained through the recognition of his actual points.
discriminatory rules for teachers especially in the South, including many Calabresi, whose enormous sacrifices, because of its heavy cuts taken by Gelmini, were also forced in recent years to move its ranking in another province. The Constitutional Court has roundly rejected this system because it thought it clearly contrary to Article 3 of our Constitution. The Court ruled that you can not penalize an alternate to be entered in a district other than its own, because in so doing, it violates the principle of equality. Principle certainly unknown to a political force like the Northern League, which had strongly desired and obtained these measures.
But the Government seems to have found a way to involve, in a roundabout way, quello che la Corte Costituzionale ha sonoramente bocciato. Nel Decreto Milleproroghe infatti è prevista una norma che blocca le graduatorie fino al 2012 quando, nelle intenzioni della maggioranza, si dovrebbe dare avvio ad un nuovo sistema di reclutamento. La Lega, per voce di alcuni suoi esponenti, ha detto chiaramente in cosa dovrebbe consistere questo nuovo sistema di scelta dei docenti. Nella sostanza si dovrebbe prevedere l’annullamento dei punteggi acquisiti dal personale docente in anni e anni di supplenze, sostituiti da un fantomatico esame su base regionale. Gli esponenti del Carroccio sembrano ritenere infatti che i punteggi realizzati dagli insegnanti in alcune parti d’Italia siano abnormi rispetto alle loro competenze. Chi è a conoscenza del real functioning of the rankings include the total of these falsehoods and unfounded allegations that have only the intention to justify, in a demagogic and populist, the Southern will to prevent the teachers to be able to serve the North.
Milleproroghe fact, allows the insertion into the first level of ranking school is allowed only to those who are included in the lists are exhausted in the Province in which the educational institution required. The same flagrant violation of the Constitution that the Court has already ruled illegitimate. Besides the damage even joke: this measure will prevent, in fact, is the emptying of temporary work storico della Scuola e sia la nuova immissione in ruolo dei docenti, non consentendo loro di aggiornare i punteggi accumulati in due anni di servizio. Questi diritti legittimamente conquistati rischiano di essere cancellati senza alcuna giustificazione plausibile. Un incredibile e vergognoso atteggiamento, che dimostra ancora una volta la subalternità della classe politica meridionale oggi al Governo nei confronti dell’impianto ideologico e discriminatorio della Lega Nord.
Deputati e Senatori calabresi del centro-destra si stanno assumendo, per l’ennesima volta in questa Legislatura, delle gravissime responsabilità nei confronti dei docenti precari calabresi. Duole purtroppo evidenziare la mancanza, da parte di questa destra, of political autonomy and intellectual apparent inability to look to the interests of its land and its workers.
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Gianluca Romeo
PRC Provincial Secretary
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