Combat wear recovering protested
NAPOLI - Il mercato del credito non va liberato solo da società finanziarie fittizie o, comunque, legate a personaggi poco credibili, ma va anche bonificato da quell'esercito di soggetti protestati che lo inquinano. Anche di questo problema parlo con l'avv. Agostino La Rana , da anni impegnato ad arginare il fenomeno dell'usura che, proprio tra i protestati, attinge molte delle proprie vittime .
Avv. La Rana, che significa essere protestati ?
Se firmo un assegno o una cambiale e il primo risulta essere scoperto (perché sul mio conto corrente non ci sono sufficienti fondi) o non pago la seconda, un notaio può certificare il mancato pagamento del mio debito; questo that becomes public through records, ruining my reputation.
Can you describe the reality of protests in Naples and province ?
Drama. Among other things, its a town in the province of Naples - Sant'Antonio Abate - holds the national record of the density of protest.
What are the social groups most exposed to the protests ?
According to her, single-income families are particularly affected - and why - in the maelstrom of protests ?
No. The phenomenon mostly affects people who frequently use checks and / or bills, as - precisely - the traders, regardless of any assessment family.
now - for the protests that honor their debts - it is easy to obtain rehabilitation ? Yes
Except in special cases, such as, for example, protested hardened, usually scammers.
such as attention, in your opinion, should have the banks to limit the number of protests ?
Banks are essentially powerless, we can say, for once not at fault.
Protests and wear: there is a relationship ?
The protest is the antechamber of wear, because the trader and / or 'craftsman protested, unable to obtain loans banks (ie the credit market and legal), addresses the moneylenders (ie the credit market illegal.)
Staying on the theme of usury, what is your opinion on what Father Massimo Rastrelli made to eradicate this social evil in the city of Naples ?
has deliberately confused the prevention of wear with the release usurer, discouraging victims from reporting.
E 'possible, with a special regional law, to intervene to limit the number of protests in Campania ?
It seems very difficult because the regions do not have competence in the field or, more generally, the circulation of money and credit. ( by Carlo Silvano )
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