Sim De La Asmundis? An ugly chapter for investors!
NAPLES - The scandal of the "People's Bank of the South" shows once again the need to ensure greater protection to savers. Numerous scandals involving unscrupulous financial advisors, such as that related to Sim De Asmundis. Just to remember this episode and learn a lesson, we talk about it, with the following interview with the lawyer. Agostino La Rana, founder of the anti-wear Harp and author of many popular publications in the financial sector.
Mr. Frog, it can describe, in brief, the story of Sim De Asmundis ?
In 1996, a brokerage firm Mobiliare napoletana fallì e si trovò nelle condizioni di non poter più rimborsare i risparmiatori che le avevano affidato i propri soldi da amministrare.
Quanti risparmiatori sono stati coinvolti nell'operazione di questa Sim ?
Le cronache dell'epoca riferirono di circa 900 soggetti.
In genere a quale ceto appartenevano i risparmiatori della Sim ?
Erano quasi tutte famiglie della media e alta borghesia napoletana.
C'erano anche alcuni magistrati ...
Sì. E quest'ultimo particolare determinò una conseguenza importante; com'è noto, le indagini penali - e i successivi processi penali - ove siano parti lese magistrati, are the responsibility of a District Court of Appeal other than judges in which they reside. For this reason, the processes on this matter, was celebrated in Rome and power.
There were several processes ...
both civil and criminal penalties. Among the latter, remember, in particular, that of fraudulent bankruptcy ( to Power, ed ).
processes are still ongoing ?
In fact, among other processes, only one - of a civil nature - gave satisfaction to the victims of that failure: the CONSOB was ordered to pay savers. In practice, the Court finds that the supervision over the failure of that organ by institutional had harmed investors.
the light of what has happened with this Sim, you what advice would you give to investors ?
not to follow trends and to practice a healthy distrust, even against some business journalists that - often - they write their reports from dictation or at least to please someone, of course, reciprocated.
There are similarities between the Sim De Asmundis and the recent scandal of "Bank of the South ?
It should be noted, first, the different eras, because today, because of the international economic crisis, investors not only have decreased in number but also have lower figures. Not surprisingly, the victims of today's investors and its elusive Raffaele Cacciapuoti / infamous "Promoting Committee of the National Bank of the South are lower in number and mostly already working in the financial circuits: this is surprising, considering that their experience would lead them to more cautious.
What, in conclusion, his view on the Sim De Asmundis ?
Italy lacks the education to the economy and, more generally, financial education. No one pretends that he occupies the traditional "education agencies" - such as family and school - but someone has to deal with on a national scale and / or local level. From this point of view, vorrei segnalare l'iniziativa della Società cooperativa "CAT - Centro Servizi Campania", che ha presentato alla Camera di commercio di Napoli un progetto per l'educazione finanziaria e la promozione/costituzione di organismi finanziari senza scopo di lucro nella provincia di Napoli. ( a cura di Carlo Silvano )
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