Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mercedes Plate Holder

beyond CRM - Knowledge From, To, Toward the Customer Communication Strategies

My speech at the conference Evolving Marketing ADICO 21.11.2007, which describes how to exceed the concept of Knowledge Management (CRM Customer Relationship Management) in the direction of Relationship Marketing (Relationship Marketing)

There are facts that are widely known and shared
SlideShare The world has completely changed from just a decade ago;

Customers are increasingly difficult to know, understand and interpret; Many companies, in Italy, but especially in the world, are moving quickly to satisfy the customers in the XXI century, to the detriment of the companies most conservative and less able to react faster in the new context.
SlideShare What to do to stay competitive? What to do to excel in new challenges? some ideas can come from three conferences in which I was invited to speak, between October and November this year, and summarize briefly.
The meeting was presented a booklet produced by AISM (Italian Marketing Association) in collaboration with Assolombarda on the theme Innovation and Marketing. The booklet is available in Assolombarda in AISM.

George Basile, Director responsible for Research and Innovation Assolombarda, and Franco Giacomazzi, AISM President, gave the opening address

  • Oscar Pallme, Secretary General AISM and management consultant, talked about enterprise and innovation, mistakes to avoid and practices "virtuous" to pursue a stable orientation to engage in continuous innovation of the DNA. In the intervention has been shown, among other things, the virtuous circle to be competitive, that part by the needs of the market, passes for innovation and returns to the market, thanks
    integration of different skills for doing business.
  • Aldo Viapiana, Vice President and President AISM Direct Ltd in point, spoke of market forecasts in an uncertain environment, presenting the many tools available to companies to make assumptions based on future demand and trade program planned
  • I spoke to customer satisfaction and innovation, presenting the tool of the "customer satisfaction", which allows you to know what the end customers for the most important unmet needs and what should be the new product features and / or processes to meet their needs to be resolved.
  • Carola Goglio, partner and CEO AISM Learning & Learning Ltd, spoke of internal marketing, or communication and involvement to prevent the organization of innovative initiatives do not reach the expected success.
  • Franco Giacomazzi, AISM President and Professor of Industrial Marketing at the Politecnico di Milano, spoke about innovation in marketing: toward Web 2.0, illustrating the new paradigms and technical resources in the era of the continuous evolution and emphasizing that many companies are già seguendo questa strada, incoraggiando le azienda a non arrivare in ritardo.

21 novembre 2007 - Convention ADICO “Evolving Marketing”
“La Conoscenza da, per, verso il Cliente - Oltre il CRM”

Nel workshop all’interno della convention ADICO (Associazione Italiana Direttori Commerciali e Marketing Manager), dal titolo: “La Conoscenza da, per, verso il Cliente - Oltre il CRM”, ho parlato delle nuove possibilità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie e dal cambiamento culturale dei Clienti per realizzare compiutamente il Marketing Relazionale, andando oltre i limiti degli strumenti informatici chiamati di “Customer Relationship Management (CRM)”, che a scapito del nome, non sviluppano effettivamente una relazione piena con i Clienti. In un'ottica collaborativa e relazionale la Gestione della Conoscenza (“Knowledge Management”) nei processi di relazione con la clientela supera il CRM, diventando patrimonio non solo dell'Azienda ma anche del Cliente stesso.
La Conoscenza, nello svilupparsi della relazione Cliente-Azienda, transita dal Cliente verso l’azienda, dall’azienda verso il Cliente e la Conoscenza ricavata dall’impresa durante la relazione deve essere utilizzata per generare nuova Conoscenza ed idee innovative per i Clienti. Le Relazioni e la Conoscenza che da esse scaturisce sono il vero patrimonio di un’impresa.
The tools of knowledge management are numerous, can be used for many different needs, from document management to collaborative tools, training and development tools via the Internet tools of analysis of the acquired knowledge, but only with careful planning-oriented experience of customer, you can achieve successful results.

October 15, 2007 - Meeting ATEMA "Speaker's Corner"

"Communication Strategies with Internet access - Ideas, suggestions and success stories to communicate effectively using Web technologies"
The meeting, organized by Atem (Association for the Temporary Management) ho parlato delle nuove tecnologie “Web 2.0”, che rappresentano un radicale cambiamento di paradigma delle modalità di comunicazione ed interazione all’interno e all’esterno dell’azienda.
    I nuovi scenari globali, l’aumento della complessità del business e l’estendersi del raggio d’azione delle imprese rendono indispensabile un utilizzo consapevole delle nuove tecnologie basate su Internet per presidiare efficacemente le nuove sfide contemporanee.
  • Inoltre, lnternet e le nuove tecnologie legate al “Web 2.0”, consentono un apprendimento, uno scambio e una gestione di Conoscenze senza precedenti nella Storia, specialmente per quanto riguarda la Conoscenza relativa ai Clienti e quella People owned by the organization. aware of new opportunities for effective communication and Web technologies offer the most appropriate strategies to address and use of these technologies allows you to extend and deepen the knowledge of critical areas of the company, taking advantage of opportunities for interaction and control never experienced before .

  • What insights can we draw?
  • From the three conferences we can highlight some common guidelines on the theme Innovation and Marketing:

  • Marketing is not just, unfortunately, as is commonly thought, the means of communication products and services and to promote sales, but above all the discipline to understand the needs, expectations and changes to the practical implementation of the clients and a solid relationship with them;

  • To do this, marketing has various tools, including: Competitive Analysis of Market Analysis competitive firm, market forecasts and trends, levers of the marketing mix, marketing plans and marketing, relationship marketing, experiential marketing, measurement and monitoring of results, analysis of Customer Satisfaction;

  • So Marketing becomes a key element of the innovation process and must work in a team with the components of research and development, design and the firm's production, which are not always in touch with the reality of the market and the customer experience;

  • internal marketing, the ability to listen, communicate and involve those individuals in the 'company, is another important factor for the success of innovation initiatives;
The innovative tools of the Internet called "Web 2.0" can amplify, if used effectively, the breadth and depth of relationship with customers, creating a bidirectional channel between the company and the market, able to inspire successful efforts to innovate

Today there is a young discipline, but sufficiently structured to supplement these concepts. It is called Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management in that company. This discipline integrates the potential of marketing within the company with the realities and develop strategies on a comprehensive framework to address successfully the continuous market changes.

Ignore the new phenomena means not only want them to see, certainly not eliminate them from reality.

The ingredients for success are the ability to understand the market and relationships with customers and prospects, skills related to marketing, and the ability to innovate in line with the needs of customers, all powered by new paradigms "Web 2.0".

Peter Drucker, management guru, said: "Companies have only two basic functions: Marketing and Innovation, Knowledge Management today that integrates aspects of these two functions, one might say" effectively manage internal and external knowledge to 'is the fundamental function of the holding company ", or as Dante had said, in the Thirteenth Century," you were not made to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge "!

My hope is that companies taking advantage of the new paradigms and tools marketing and innovation to remain successful in the market, adapting quickly to new challenges and demands from customers already collected by many competitors.


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