Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Choke Between Her Thighs

  • Averone Alessio - "feeling of change"

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  • In these years we are witnessing an interesting phenomenon: the systematic distribution of beta versions that are in themselves a finished product that will remain in beta status for years or indefinitely (google, blogger, wikipedia, 2nd Life, nòva100 ,...) This phenomenon obscures the radical transformation of the paradigm of linear / sequential "analyze-plan-design-test-produce" in the new cyclic model -spirale/non-lineare "try-(ß) test-ADAPT, faster, highly iterative, and highly adaptive" evolutionary. " In fact, we see a marked change from artifact (a few) static and final (or nearly) for artifact (of many) dynamic and constantly changing (or nearly). To put it on the philosophical, is the transition from Kant to Hegel.
  • We see a very close analogy between paradigm-ß and Knowledge Management. In fact, the knowledge is inherently dynamic and can not be harnessed in definitions / "products" / artifacts static character / (almost) final, but must be equipped with the dynamic attributes of continuous development.
From this it also follows that 1) the time to devote to the production of knowledge-object must be more restricted than in the past (in line with the Pareto principle of 80 / 20), and issuing and structuring the knowledge-object in a rapid inheritance of beta versions, updated / upgraded frequently and 2) that you can not produce a knowledge-final object, but (again according to the Pareto principle) is pragmatically convenient to associate with the knowledge-object 20% of the total knowledge that provides the 80% of value.

In conclusione, siamo arrivati nell'Era della Conoscenza Dinamica, che lascia indietro, per certi versi, buona parte dei libri, corsi di laurea, esperienze e specializzazioni professionali. Crolla il mito della conoscenza enciclopedica, sopravanzato dalla Pragmatica della Conoscenza e della Meta-Conoscenza, di cui il Social Networking, il Social Bookmarking e i Feed sono un fattore fondamentale.
Siamo avvisati...


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