economic management software for hotels and bed and breakfast Ilpas Booking
Ilpas Booking
The ultimate solution for your hotel
Ilpas Booking is an effective software and accurate for hotel management, hotel and bed and breakfast, useful in controlling rooms and state of management in determining the expenditure room, bar or restaurant by the customer management operations through check-in and check-out.
Use Booking is really simple: it is sufficient to set up their own rooms and the software is ready for use, in just 10 minutes.
The main interface of the software is very attractive and fast:
Above are the main buttons for your application. At the center is the planning of the month on which the hotel are highlighted in yellow are the days when the rooms are booked in red and those in which they are employed. Clicking on the bars are obtained informazioni immediate relative alla prenotazione o al booking in questione.
Il calendario in basso a sinistra serve per manovrare il planning e farlo spostare di mese in mese nel passato o nel futuro ed analizzare l’occupazione della struttura. Altra funzionalità interessante sono le 3 piccole griglie presenti sotto al planning, che ci mostrano immediatamente chi sono gli ospiti in arrivo, chi sono quelli attualmente presenti nella struttura e chi e’ in partenza oggi.
Anche queste 3 griglie forniscono i dati della prenotazione o del booking cliccandoci sopra.
Il pulsante accessori ci porta invece ad altri menù secondari dell’applicazione che analizzeremo piu’ avanti.
Vediamo adesso in detail that are the main buttons on the dashboard.
The key is to check in, to register guests on arrival at the hotel. Clicking the button opens a form where you can test according to the needs of potential clients if there is' a room that meets your expectations.
The software allows you to request the customer and how many people are 'made up the group to which adults (full rate) and children (reduced rate), the required period of residence, and any services which must necessarily be provided with the room that you want to occupy.
The receptionist at this point, after loading the customer data, click on tasto ricerca e visualizza immediatamente quali camere soddisfano i requisiti minimi richiesti dal cliente.
Cliccando sul tasto preventivo, è possibile fornire anche indicativamente al cliente quanto andrebbe a pagare per le varie soluzioni richieste.
Qualora il cliente decidesse di scegliere una camera, supponiamo la camera Sole, allora bisogna cliccare sul tasto check in e proseguire nella registrazione del cliente.
A questo punto compare un'altra maschera, nella quale occorrerà agganciare il cliente se presente in anagrafica o imputarlo ex-novo se non viene trovato negli archivi.
Una volta agganciato il cliente o inserito in anagrafica mediante il tasto Nuovo, vengono caricati i dati relativi agli altri occupanti della camera. Una volta cliccato il tasto check in il cliente in 5 minuti risulterà registrato in albergo.
A questo punto immediatamente sul planning la barra relativa alla camera prescelta si colorerà di colore rosso.
Se il cliente aveva una prenotazione, invece di cliccare sul tasto Check in, il receptionist clicca sul tasto Prenotato, dove è possibile, inserendo il nominativo dato in fase di prenotazione, accedere immediatamente alla camera riservata nei giorni precedenti.
Una volta agganciata la prenotazione, compariranno tutti i dati relativi alla stessa, compresa la camera, ed una volta cliccato il tasto check in si arriverà alla finestra mostrata in precedenza, ma con i dati della camera impegnata.
Per inviare via email all’autorità giudiziaria la scheda di notifica presenze del check in appena effettuato, sarà necessario andare nel menù accessori, sul giornale presenze e cliccare sul tasto Notifica.
Immediatamente partirà una email preformattata all’autorità giudiziaria con in allegato il report della scheda notificazione in formato PDF.
Il tasto Check out, serve per effettuare la dimissione della camera, col pagamento di tutti gli emolumenti (beni e servizi) erogati al cliente nel corso della sua permanenza nella struttura.
Una volta selezionato il cliente e la camera, è possibile caricare spese telefoniche a carico del cliente ed applicargli eventualmente uno sconto o a valore o a percentuale.
E’ possibile inoltre stabilire se sarà necessaria fattura o ricevuta fiscale, se la fattura dovrà essere intestata all’azienda ed aggiungere eventualmente altre spese dell’ultimo momento.
Una volta cliccato sul tasto Elabora, il sistema fornirà immediatamente i dati relativi al soggiorno ed ai costi dettagliati suddivisi in servizi e beni consumati ( al bar della struttura o in camera) che possono comparire in fattura raggruppati o dettagliati (tasto raggruppa).
Una volta verificata la congruità, cliccando sul tasto Check out il sistema effettuerà la dimissione del cliente dall’albergo e stamperà in automatico the invoice / receipt (first seen in preview).
button allows you to easily make a reservation booking by phone or received via email through the website with the same search logic in check availability and confirm your reservation by email to the sender automatically.
How can intuitively see, the screen is identical to that of the check-in. This is because even when making a reservation we need the same parameters needed for an assessment at registration in order to determine what 's the room more' suits customer needs.
Once you find a room to suit the customer (even when making a reservation is possibile ottenere il preventivo), è sufficiente cliccare sul tasto Prenota per accedere al menu’ vero e proprio della prenotazione.
In questa fase è sufficiente lasciare solo un nominativo, anche non necessariamente registrato in anagrafica (se si aggancia un nome in anagrafica compaiono immediatamente tutti i dati).
E’ obbligatorio caricare almeno un recapito telefonico e c’e’ la possibilità di caricare o meno un acconto che verrà poi stornato dall’importo finale.
Se viene inserita l’email, cliccando sul tasto Conferma partirà anche una email preformattata al cliente per confermargli la prenotazione.
Il menù Consumazioni consente di load up a room already a variety of additional costs, which can be goods or services or materials.
Ilpas Booking System allows you to manage a real stock merchandise handling and inventory management understock.
To load the magazine you need to go to the menu 'and click on accessories Stock
The food can be divided into goods and services that will appear on your invoice as two distinct items of expenditure.
To tell the system that this is a service (eg, bed-breakfast) must Flegg box service.
To manage the stock of consumer goods must Flegg box manage inventory.
The minimum stock needed for the system to know when to alert the user if the stock of that product falls below the threshold.
In this case, the next time the system will see a cloud that warn of the situation understock.
to handle their drinks, once fed the stock, just click on the button Drinks.
's enough to indicate the client or the chamber membership, and charge him the drink. Rooms
The menu is perhaps the most 'important. It 'the first fact that must be completed to make operational the application. The rooms registry be made with care and attention, because all the research on availability and date of registration shall be made in accordance with the characteristics of the room.
At load must be given to the chamber a name that will appear on the screen in the planning.
then be shown all the characteristics peculiar to itself, particularly the setting (single, double), the number of double beds, single, any exposure panorama (panorama) and all services available (bath or shower or both), including the division between analog and digital TV services with pay per view.
Other important information concerning status should be acknowledged, and they are:
Active: if the room is used or is being renovated. In such a case will not appear on the planning
Available: If you can not 'book
Busy: If you want it to manually temporarily unavailable
In Cleaning: If you just left a guest and not' accessible
The menu allows customers to access to the customers of the system.
From this menu you can enter all the details of the customer, including residence, contact telephone numbers and especially data related to the document provided in the acceptance phase, useful for dispatch of the notification form to the court.
Once completed the master data can also automatically calculate the tax code and check the consistency of the VAT registration number given by the supplier.
A nice feature and 'to send a preformatted message of happy birthday by the general system settings customizable.
Another interesting dell'Anagrafe customers is the possibility for statistical purposes to assign a category to the registered customer and then to identify in time as you place the structure in terms of income groups present.
is also possible to register a father who can 'be used in two ways.
One possible use would be to score the customer who submitted it, that would be such an agency through which they are recognized monthly commissions.
Another possible use, the more 'trivial, you may still need to register in the master all the components of a family, indicating the breadwinner father as a client on all other tabs.
Menu 'accessories
From the main menu, clicking on the accessories, you go to a series of sub-features that allow the system to maximize data loaded during the years of use.
button Warehouse, as we have seen, is used to manage inventory
button stays Newspaper shows lists of admissions with the ability to filter date ranges and print lists
button displays the list of reservations Newspaper bookings with the ability to filter date ranges and print lists
button change room offers the possibility of a change in the running room after any unforeseen
The button is used to establish rates of charges for individual rooms in the seasons
The button allows you to create the Seasons season (day / month day / month) that constitute the range of validity of the charges.
The Statistics button allows you to make calculations of economic statistics and trends of admissions (Age Sex Location, etc.).
The Manual button allows viewing and printing of this document
The Support button allows Once contacted by telephone to provide technical assistance and an ID and password to access the same temporarily to your PC to show such an error or allow it to collect data for testing.
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