Saturday, October 3, 2009

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Mesocco (CH). "The opening of the San Bernardino tunnel took place fifty years ago - debuts the prof. Luigi Corfu, commenting on the work carried out during a recent conference dedicated to the San Bernardino - prompted rapid transformation processes that have profoundly affected the landscape, economy, culture and social structure of the regions located near the same as the Mesolcina. The impact has had different effects on the north and the south, which differ in the natural, social cohesion and cultural identity. While under a general abandonment of the mountain to the north, there has to maintain a sound agricultural base and a balanced tourism economy shared by much of the population. To the south, however, there was, if less experienced a traumatic transition from the base of support - made up by strenuous activity in the primary sector - the absolute predominance of white-collar service sector, with the abandonment of much of the land cultivated vegetation wild, and urbanization are often alien to local culture and the deep interest of the community.

Prof. Corfu, who has promoted and organized this conference?
The idea, launched by the largest living history of the Grisons, Martin Bundi, was supported by the Society for Research on Culture Grisons, which took over the sponsorship with the town of Mesocco. The organization is affected to a small workgroup.

"The Way of San Bernardino" was the title given to the conference. Why?
The San Bernardino is located on one of the seven main transit routes through the Alps, a street whose history, as witnessed by the remains, from archival documents and oral testimony, is better understood when taking into account the topographical and environmental local as well as other road connections to the north and south of the pass itself.

present real benefits which, in its view, there are for the people of Mesolcina respect to the axis of San Bernardino?
There is no denying that the way of San Bernardino offers many jobs for the inhabitants of the two sides in the form of civil servants, parastatal, or related activities induced. Of course, the road structure allows fast and secure connections with the city at the foot of the north and south of the Alps swinging the contribution made by a potentially favorable, but strangely little used, the tourism industry in Mesolcina.

During the conference, several speakers have spoken. On the intervention of Dr. Andrea Marca on "The new documentation center on the historic streets: mesolcinesi materials", in your opinion, what were and why steps more interesting?
Andrea Marca placed emphasis on two particular features of the new Research Centre: a) it includes both the original documents or copies actually placed in the Archives in March of Mesocco, b) it also presents documents located elsewhere, but digitized and then consult the database of the Archive. In the medium term is therefore to collect as many sources on the subject, to draw up to make them available through the website, email, sending post or, where necessary, consultation within.

How do you rate the work carried out during the conference and what are your opinion, the conclusions emerged that deserve attention?
all the numbers have expressed their satisfaction with the formula and the quality of interventions. As organizers, we can say that the objectives were fully achieved if not exceeded. The proposed inventory will be used in the preparation of the core materials of systematic documentation, processing and publication of a handy guide cultural tourism, accommodation of a map of areas of local and national historical significance, a deeper understanding of issues relevant complementary to enhance cultural tourism in the region.

On Friday 21 and Saturday, August 22, there were also visits Nature ...
Fantastic. Especially the one on the San Bernardino. Occurred. addition to the participants, including several specialists, so that has become almost traveling in a small conference, a banquet of interesting comments ranging from meteorology to botany, from history to geology.

[ Participants at the conference during a visit to the natural
San Bernardino Pass

There will be a new appointment? Can you give us a preview?
For the moment we want to process the collected materials. Then if the interest is still alive ...
( by Carlo Silvano )


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