THE SACRED BODY, cues for personal reflection
Pubblico parte dell'intervento che il dott. Massimo Valli ha fatto nel corso dell'incontro dedicato alle Mutilazioni genitali femminili organized by the Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo (section Villorba) to Santandrà Povegliano. The report is very wide, but those who want the full text can make a request in writing carlo.silvano @
[...] The reasons that have called us to here were discussed previously and not I dwell on.
I state that, not being an expert of the matter or on the theological level, nor on the sociological, or on that philosophy, but simply because the person, a Christian layman who asks questions and look / ask for answers, my intervention aims simply be a matter for reflection on the subject, almost one to ask questions cui ciascuno di noi può tentare di dare una risposta o sviluppare una propria riflessione come persona, come persona di fede, come persona nel contesto di esperienze in cui si trova a vivere. Tenterò, dunque, anche con l’aiuto di alcune fonti (che menzionerò di volta in volta), di offrire chiavi di introduzione al dibattito.
Desidero anche sottolineare che, per diverse ragioni, manca stasera una componente importante alla proposta: la presenza di una persona che sia culturalmente vicina alle comunità in cui la pratica è diffusa o, ancora più incisivamente, di una persona che l’abbia anche subita su di sé. Questa presenza avrebbe senz’altro la possibilità di darci un quadro più completo sulla question, as well as a cultural, emotional and also on the interior and religion. We rely in this regard, to address this significant gap in the next meeting, which will surely be the natural development of the reflection that we are confident will emerge tonight.
We can not disregard, for the sake of completeness, the maximum possible, from a historical point about the practice of infibulation.
History sull'infibulazione .
The practice of infibulation is widespread in many African and Asian countries, but rarely, especially in official documents, he mentions the fact that it was also practiced in the "civilized" ancient Rome.
From a historical perspective, the practice of female genital mutilation is very old. There are, in fact, precise explanations about its appearance. For some, it was born in a country and then spread to others, according to others, was born simultaneously in many countries of our small planet. For authors who support the latter theory, circumcision developed independently in different places and in different historical moments. On the basis of certain documentary data, from which we can afford to do the epidemiological surveys, it is likely that female circumcision is present, along with men, in some surveys of the Egyptian tombs of the VI dynasty (around 2340 BC). The oldest known source, which records the practice of circumcision, is Herodotus, who lived in the fifth century BC C. He states that excision was practiced by the Phoenicians, the Hittites, the Ethiopians and the Egyptians also. Even Stradone Soramus and argue that, in Rome and Athens, the practice was common and was intended to reduce female sexual desire. Later, Aetius and Paul of Aegina, respectively 500 and 700 AD, show a similar description and approve the operation itself, arguing that the clitoris should necessarily be removed before it could become too large, because, like being able to set itself up the male member would allow coitus lesbian. In addition, some archaeologists claim that the good conditions of Egyptian mummies attest to the practice of clitoridectomy, excision of the clitoris that is female. It should be noted that the term "female circumcision" betrays a Latin derivation. The fibula, a brooch that served to keep hooked the robe was used by the Romans on their wives, in order to prevent illicit relations, and was also set to male and female slaves to prevent early fatigue with sexual intercourse and pregnancy of the second which would have hindered the work. In times closer to us the first documentary source of some relief is an issue of The Lancet, 1822, reporting the experience of a German surgeon, Graefe, who claimed to have successfully treated by excision of the clitoris, a girl suffering from "excessive masturbation and nymphomania." This mutilation
so-called "therapeutic" is part of a fairly widespread opinion in the nineteenth century, especially in England, which he attributed to masturbation, a number of functional disorders of the brain and nervous system ranging from epilepsy to insanity and that he placed clitoridectomy in the intervention of the possibility of curing these disorders. In fact, since the second half of the nineteenth century Victorian puritanism had transformed the moral question of masturbation in a medical condition that had become a significant problem. From then
and especially in France, Germany and England, there has been a real widespread practice of female circumcision, is to treat sexual dysfunction (excessive masturbation and nymphomania) that thought disorder (hysteria, epilepsy, catalepsy, melancholia and madness) .
In confirmation of this trend is worth mentioning the work of some famous doctors of the time. Isak Baker Brown, of the Medical Society of London, in 1865 argued that "... masturbation cause peripheral nerve stimulation pubic bone, which in turn causes disease and death in the following eight stages: hysteria, spinal irritation, crisis epileptic, cataleptic crisis, crisis epilepsy, idiocy, insanity and death ... "
AJ Block, in "Sexual Perversion in the Female," published in the New Orleans Medical Surgery Journal in 1894-1895, reported a therapeutic success of a student aged 14 who suffered from "nervousness" and "whiteness" through the "liberation of the clitoris from its adhesions and am-monendola about the dangers of masturbation.
not forget that even Sigmund Freud was the elimination of clitoral sexuality is a prerequisite for the development of a mature femininity.
Although the last documented case dates back to 1927 is no information about the successful implementation of clitoridectomy in mental hospitals until 1935. This is interesting because in Islamic countries today, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, this practice is absolutely unknown. Female circumcision is, in fact, linked to earlier tribal cultures of Africa and the Islamization of the Arab countries. It has been preserved thanks to the ability of Islam to acculturate to tribal cultures. For this reason, in 1926 there were incidents of rebellion by women in the Horn of Africa against the Christian missionaries who wanted to eradicate this practice. It should be noted that female circumcision is shared by Muslim women, Christian and animist, especially in the Horn of Africa and Central Africa. All the campaigns to eradicate this practice are doomed to failure, if not start from the fact that it is an ancestral culture, ancient, before the conquest of Africa by Islam. For example, in Australia, that is the antithesis of the Arabian Peninsula or the Horn of Africa, there is a general phenomenon that there was no contamination of any Muslim. In fact, in practiced the introcisione aboriginal tribes, a practice of infibulation and excision even more devastating. "
The question is as old in Italy. In the Criminal Code [...]
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Female circumcision, one thing all women
Santandrà Povegliano - on the sidelines of cultural devoted to female genital mutilation which took place recently to Santandrà Povegliano on the initiative of ' Association Trevisani World (Villorba section), the assessor Paola Mariani (social policy and education) of immigrants and speaks of the efforts of the municipal council to develop and initiate concrete Povegliano policies to facilitate the integration .
Councillor Paola Mariani, of which she has data on the presence of immigrants in the municipality of Povegliano ?
Our registry office gave me just recently updated to 2008 data, we should be around 300 inhabitants in 5000, about 7%.
To facilitate the integration of non-Italian citizens in the local community, what steps will start the municipal council ?
More recently, upon approval of the general plan of development of the new administration, which has since the second term of Mayor Sergio Zappalorto , we launched a program related to social and macro-and five schools that provides at least four of these fits perfectly the logic of integration foreigners.
We talk about the first macro-.
E 'one-stop listening to bring the administration closer to citizens, of course, open to the needs of immigrants in terms of information and assistance.
Then ?
An after-school project that aims to primarily support the schooling of boys more or less difficulty, and between them the children of immigrants are often the first places to language issues and more. The third aspect deals with the macroobiettivo a social network of families, to promote exchange and understanding among the many real families of new immigrants, Italian or not, even with the resident community for many years. Finally, a project dedicated to integration of foreign women, often isolated, and that there is a vital link with the community in this field, we will continue the promotion of literacy classes and promote also the formation of groups to craft female Information Days and courses in home economics.
In pursuing these objectives involve the parishes and local associations ?
Yes, certainly we intend to use as much of the parishes of sports associations and charities, not least because the project is not just about the after-school academic support, for example, along all'Auser (non-profit organization that promotes the active role of older people in society, ed), we are coordinating the project "Different countries are grandparents," which aims to promote exchanges between generations young and old, also of other nationalities.
Santandrà Povegliano She recently attended a un incontro informativo sull'infibulazione. Cosa l'ha colpita di più nell'ascoltare le varie relazioni ?
Come ho detto nel mio breve saluto, la pratica dell'infibulazione è per me qualcosa di inaccettabile, nonostante i complessi riferimenti culturali. Dunque mi ha colpito innanzitutto l'intervento del ginecologo Vincenzo Aloisi, quando ha spiegato tecnicamente come avviene questa pratica. Le confesso che ho fatto davvero fatica ad ascoltare sino alla fine: è raccapricciante. E non ho provato meno orrore quando ho ascoltato l'operatore pastorale Massimo Valli, che ha fatto un excursus storico sull'infibulazione, parlando di come questa venisse praticata anche nei nostri civilissimi paesi per curare presunti disturbi di tipo psichico nelle donne. Una vera follia.
All'incontro culturale di Santandrà erano assenti i giovani. Lei come si spiega questa "latitanza"?
A parte il fatto che l'incontro non è stato sufficientemente pubblicizzato, ho l'impressione che i giovani, e non solo loro, vadano un po' scossi e stimolati, "tirati fuori di casa" per invitarli a sapere, conoscere, confrontarsi, a farsi una coscienza o perlomeno a essere consapevoli di quanto accade intorno a loro. Senza aspettare troppo, facendo capire loro che il divertimento e la spensieratezza possono benissimo accompagnarsi a impegno e cultura. Sono sicura che si tratta di superare solo un piccolo gradino di resistenza e pigrizia; credo si appassionerebbero a temi come this.
in some Italian municipalities are taking drastic measures against women who wear the burqa. I ask what guidelines, according to her, the municipal administration of Povegliano should be taken if - in his own country - there were women with clothing that ?
For now, there were no such cases, so it's hard to make predictions and speak for the rest of the Executive. I personally believe that when a person, wherever it comes from, respect the law, it can definitely stay true to its cultural uses, notwithstanding the fact that women covered by the burqa or niqab, which leaves only the eyes uncovered, it must be prepared to remove it caso di necessità di identificazione, così anche il nostro art. 5 della legge 152/1975 sul riconoscimento della persona è salvo. A differenza, però, del velo tradizionale, usato solo come copricapo, che può anche essere bello da vedere e che non mi pare lontano dai fazzoletti delle nostre nonne, credo che il burqa non favorisca l'integrazione delle donne straniere perché suscita paure e diffidenza e nutro dei seri dubbi sulla volontà effettiva di queste donne di indossarlo. Ma non lo userei come cavallo di battaglia politica o culturale: l'integrazione richiede soprattutto tempo e disponibilità al dialogo.
Ultima domanda: in Italia l'infibulazione è vietata, tuttavia ogni giorno la dignità women has been trampled by a destructive commodification media. What are your thoughts ?
Look, I'm well aware that women can be violated and discriminated against in many ways even here, in fact, I think that "good people" as fathers, husbands, partners, ex, and so are the primary agents of such violence - just look at the pages of the newspapers, not a proclaimed feminist - not counting the commodification become nauseating if not ridiculous is talking about her. However, I repeat the unacceptability of female circumcision as a practice, born of ancestral rites or human follies, and a source of enormous suffering for women who are victims and I stress vittima. Non è un caso che Paesi civilissimi, come la Norvegia e la Svezia, abbiano espressamente legiferato per vietare tale pratica, abolita anche in molti Paesi africani, e ho letto che gli stessi uomini di potere in Africa stanno attuando delle campagne anti-infibulazione, dichiarando che non l’hanno permessa innanzitutto sulle loro figlie. Come ho detto la sera dell’incontro, bisognerà lavorare molto “sulla linea femminile” perché è una faccenda tutta tra donne, gli uomini e la religione c’entrano ben poco. ( a cura di Carlo Silvano )
Santandrà Povegliano - on the sidelines of cultural devoted to female genital mutilation which took place recently to Santandrà Povegliano on the initiative of ' Association Trevisani World (Villorba section), the assessor Paola Mariani (social policy and education) of immigrants and speaks of the efforts of the municipal council to develop and initiate concrete Povegliano policies to facilitate the integration .
Councillor Paola Mariani, of which she has data on the presence of immigrants in the municipality of Povegliano ?
Our registry office gave me just recently updated to 2008 data, we should be around 300 inhabitants in 5000, about 7%.
To facilitate the integration of non-Italian citizens in the local community, what steps will start the municipal council ?
More recently, upon approval of the general plan of development of the new administration, which has since the second term of Mayor Sergio Zappalorto , we launched a program related to social and macro-and five schools that provides at least four of these fits perfectly the logic of integration foreigners.
We talk about the first macro-.
E 'one-stop listening to bring the administration closer to citizens, of course, open to the needs of immigrants in terms of information and assistance.
Then ?
An after-school project that aims to primarily support the schooling of boys more or less difficulty, and between them the children of immigrants are often the first places to language issues and more. The third aspect deals with the macroobiettivo a social network of families, to promote exchange and understanding among the many real families of new immigrants, Italian or not, even with the resident community for many years. Finally, a project dedicated to integration of foreign women, often isolated, and that there is a vital link with the community in this field, we will continue the promotion of literacy classes and promote also the formation of groups to craft female Information Days and courses in home economics.
In pursuing these objectives involve the parishes and local associations ?
Yes, certainly we intend to use as much of the parishes of sports associations and charities, not least because the project is not just about the after-school academic support, for example, along all'Auser (non-profit organization that promotes the active role of older people in society, ed), we are coordinating the project "Different countries are grandparents," which aims to promote exchanges between generations young and old, also of other nationalities.
Santandrà Povegliano She recently attended a un incontro informativo sull'infibulazione. Cosa l'ha colpita di più nell'ascoltare le varie relazioni ?
Come ho detto nel mio breve saluto, la pratica dell'infibulazione è per me qualcosa di inaccettabile, nonostante i complessi riferimenti culturali. Dunque mi ha colpito innanzitutto l'intervento del ginecologo Vincenzo Aloisi, quando ha spiegato tecnicamente come avviene questa pratica. Le confesso che ho fatto davvero fatica ad ascoltare sino alla fine: è raccapricciante. E non ho provato meno orrore quando ho ascoltato l'operatore pastorale Massimo Valli, che ha fatto un excursus storico sull'infibulazione, parlando di come questa venisse praticata anche nei nostri civilissimi paesi per curare presunti disturbi di tipo psichico nelle donne. Una vera follia.
All'incontro culturale di Santandrà erano assenti i giovani. Lei come si spiega questa "latitanza"?
A parte il fatto che l'incontro non è stato sufficientemente pubblicizzato, ho l'impressione che i giovani, e non solo loro, vadano un po' scossi e stimolati, "tirati fuori di casa" per invitarli a sapere, conoscere, confrontarsi, a farsi una coscienza o perlomeno a essere consapevoli di quanto accade intorno a loro. Senza aspettare troppo, facendo capire loro che il divertimento e la spensieratezza possono benissimo accompagnarsi a impegno e cultura. Sono sicura che si tratta di superare solo un piccolo gradino di resistenza e pigrizia; credo si appassionerebbero a temi come this.
in some Italian municipalities are taking drastic measures against women who wear the burqa. I ask what guidelines, according to her, the municipal administration of Povegliano should be taken if - in his own country - there were women with clothing that ?
For now, there were no such cases, so it's hard to make predictions and speak for the rest of the Executive. I personally believe that when a person, wherever it comes from, respect the law, it can definitely stay true to its cultural uses, notwithstanding the fact that women covered by the burqa or niqab, which leaves only the eyes uncovered, it must be prepared to remove it caso di necessità di identificazione, così anche il nostro art. 5 della legge 152/1975 sul riconoscimento della persona è salvo. A differenza, però, del velo tradizionale, usato solo come copricapo, che può anche essere bello da vedere e che non mi pare lontano dai fazzoletti delle nostre nonne, credo che il burqa non favorisca l'integrazione delle donne straniere perché suscita paure e diffidenza e nutro dei seri dubbi sulla volontà effettiva di queste donne di indossarlo. Ma non lo userei come cavallo di battaglia politica o culturale: l'integrazione richiede soprattutto tempo e disponibilità al dialogo.
Ultima domanda: in Italia l'infibulazione è vietata, tuttavia ogni giorno la dignità women has been trampled by a destructive commodification media. What are your thoughts ?
Look, I'm well aware that women can be violated and discriminated against in many ways even here, in fact, I think that "good people" as fathers, husbands, partners, ex, and so are the primary agents of such violence - just look at the pages of the newspapers, not a proclaimed feminist - not counting the commodification become nauseating if not ridiculous is talking about her. However, I repeat the unacceptability of female circumcision as a practice, born of ancestral rites or human follies, and a source of enormous suffering for women who are victims and I stress vittima. Non è un caso che Paesi civilissimi, come la Norvegia e la Svezia, abbiano espressamente legiferato per vietare tale pratica, abolita anche in molti Paesi africani, e ho letto che gli stessi uomini di potere in Africa stanno attuando delle campagne anti-infibulazione, dichiarando che non l’hanno permessa innanzitutto sulle loro figlie. Come ho detto la sera dell’incontro, bisognerà lavorare molto “sulla linea femminile” perché è una faccenda tutta tra donne, gli uomini e la religione c’entrano ben poco. ( a cura di Carlo Silvano )
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ohio Temps Expired Renew
Non tutti gli articoli e le interviste inserite in questo blog sul problema dell'infibulazione rispecchiano la mia personale review. But I believe in the importance of debate and discussion. It remains to the reader to reflect and develop their own opinion on this aspect of immigration.
Non tutti gli articoli e le interviste inserite in questo blog sul problema dell'infibulazione rispecchiano la mia personale review. But I believe in the importance of debate and discussion. It remains to the reader to reflect and develop their own opinion on this aspect of immigration.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Normal Hematocrit Level For Dogs
Santandrà Povegliano. The word Regional Council Luca Baggio
an information on female genital mutilation which took place on 9 October in Santandrà Povegliano, was also the Regional Adviser Luca Baggio ( Northern League), who gave us the following interview .
Councillor Baggio, according to a recent estimate offered by the Ministry for Equal Opportunities, in the Veneto region home to more than fifteen thousand women - in their country of origin - have undergone genital mutilation. In front this figure what are the considerations?
When I heard the news were horrified. It 's a hidden phenomenon in a culture that treats women as objects and not as a human being. It is unacceptable that there is support people who live outside the rules without regard to their mates, their wives, their daughters. This barbaric practice of not allowing poor children to be normal, will live forever with a disability both physical and psychological. And 'this unacceptable situation, are tough measures.
you to Santandrà Povegliano attended an information session sull'infibulazione. What struck you most in listening to the various reports?
The report on the figures took a bit 'all unprepared probably because no one thought that the phenomenon had this size. It all takes place in absolute secrecy, against the wishes of the poor victims of this ritual without any protection and sanitation. The report of the doctor left me baffled, because of what happens to this barbarism, for the suffering it causes and the consequences it produces. It's not about religion, violence and this is enough. Must be stopped.
What policy, in his view, it should be taken against immigrants who intend to remain in Italy and also practice female genital mutilation?
It 's a crime and as such should be punished. You must use the utmost severity to eradicate the phenomenon. Increased penalties and immediate expulsion. Better yet would be to serve their sentences in their countries of origin.
Riese She is preparing to face a cultural meeting to raise awareness of the plight of infibulation. Can you give us a preview ?
The meeting will serve to reflect on a phenomenon that is little known because it is covered by silence, shame, fear. Instead, migrant women also have to react and revolt, even against their men, to save their daughters. Should be punished also providing support to silence those who report the facts.
all'infibulazione addition, in Italy also the emerging issue of polygamy. With the current carers of remedying it is noted that many immigrants - like those of Morocco - despite having a modest salary and a housewife, asked to be a woman from their country as a caregiver, and everything happens in a context where it is strong suspect that this is the second wife. What should I do?
In Italy there is monogamy, who wants to have more women should stay at his home. Checks must be on time, we can not afford another wave of people who then weigh on our social spending. So even stricter checks on the actual performance of carers, schedules, payments to the accounts where they end up wages: who does the sly be returned to his home.
Last question: what is your opinion on the request made by some migrants to remove the crucifix in public places?
The problem also can not be located, a request is inadmissible, and our traditions that have marked the history of our people, should be maintained, are immigrants who have to adapt. ( by Carlo Silvano )
an information on female genital mutilation which took place on 9 October in Santandrà Povegliano, was also the Regional Adviser Luca Baggio ( Northern League), who gave us the following interview .
Councillor Baggio, according to a recent estimate offered by the Ministry for Equal Opportunities, in the Veneto region home to more than fifteen thousand women - in their country of origin - have undergone genital mutilation. In front this figure what are the considerations?
When I heard the news were horrified. It 's a hidden phenomenon in a culture that treats women as objects and not as a human being. It is unacceptable that there is support people who live outside the rules without regard to their mates, their wives, their daughters. This barbaric practice of not allowing poor children to be normal, will live forever with a disability both physical and psychological. And 'this unacceptable situation, are tough measures.
you to Santandrà Povegliano attended an information session sull'infibulazione. What struck you most in listening to the various reports?
The report on the figures took a bit 'all unprepared probably because no one thought that the phenomenon had this size. It all takes place in absolute secrecy, against the wishes of the poor victims of this ritual without any protection and sanitation. The report of the doctor left me baffled, because of what happens to this barbarism, for the suffering it causes and the consequences it produces. It's not about religion, violence and this is enough. Must be stopped.
What policy, in his view, it should be taken against immigrants who intend to remain in Italy and also practice female genital mutilation?
It 's a crime and as such should be punished. You must use the utmost severity to eradicate the phenomenon. Increased penalties and immediate expulsion. Better yet would be to serve their sentences in their countries of origin.
Riese She is preparing to face a cultural meeting to raise awareness of the plight of infibulation. Can you give us a preview ?
The meeting will serve to reflect on a phenomenon that is little known because it is covered by silence, shame, fear. Instead, migrant women also have to react and revolt, even against their men, to save their daughters. Should be punished also providing support to silence those who report the facts.
all'infibulazione addition, in Italy also the emerging issue of polygamy. With the current carers of remedying it is noted that many immigrants - like those of Morocco - despite having a modest salary and a housewife, asked to be a woman from their country as a caregiver, and everything happens in a context where it is strong suspect that this is the second wife. What should I do?
In Italy there is monogamy, who wants to have more women should stay at his home. Checks must be on time, we can not afford another wave of people who then weigh on our social spending. So even stricter checks on the actual performance of carers, schedules, payments to the accounts where they end up wages: who does the sly be returned to his home.
Last question: what is your opinion on the request made by some migrants to remove the crucifix in public places?
The problem also can not be located, a request is inadmissible, and our traditions that have marked the history of our people, should be maintained, are immigrants who have to adapt. ( by Carlo Silvano )
Large Old Barrels For Sale
Santandrà Povegliano. Speech by Dr. Paola Mariani
Below I propose a brief speech of Dr. Paola Mariani (Councillor for Social Policies and education to the City of Povegliano), at a meeting held in sull'infibulazione Santandrà on 9 October.
Good evening to all. Tonight I'm here in place of our Mayor, who is out of the office and asked me to bring his greetings, but in any event, even if it was this, I think I would have asked could accompany him, as the issue that deal is exquisitely feminine. I started to hear of female circumcision long ago, through media reports and television, but I confess that it never had the courage to investigate because it is a subject that has always impressed me very much. I remember in particular a television service in which you could see a African child raised by a grown woman that was about to bring to practice female circumcision, and this girl, who knew or less what I expected it, wore a desolate, almost like an animal ready for slaughter. I do not think that in our reality, female circumcision is a widespread practice, but tonight we will know more certainly, on my part, I asked any of the information to our city councilor in charge of health, Tania Martignago, who works at the bargain ' City Hospital in obstetrics and gynecology department, who told me not to have seen many women infibulated in his work and that in any case the operation is almost always practiced in the country of origin, that is, women included in migration flows arriving here at the facts which have already occurred, unfortunately. But the figures speak of widespread illegal practices in Italy, despite a law that formally prohibits the activism of many organizations fighting this practice. "So it's a very sensitive issue, which I believe can be understood but not defended with the argument of cultural traditions. The system that regulates the female circumcision in Africa, or female genital mutilation, is complex and perfectly placed in certain contexts, but this practice is still unacceptable to the serious physical and psychological pain it causes in women who suffer it. This is true both in Africa and elsewhere. Thanks.
Paola Mariani, Assessor social and education to the City of Povegliano
Below I propose a brief speech of Dr. Paola Mariani (Councillor for Social Policies and education to the City of Povegliano), at a meeting held in sull'infibulazione Santandrà on 9 October.
Good evening to all. Tonight I'm here in place of our Mayor, who is out of the office and asked me to bring his greetings, but in any event, even if it was this, I think I would have asked could accompany him, as the issue that deal is exquisitely feminine. I started to hear of female circumcision long ago, through media reports and television, but I confess that it never had the courage to investigate because it is a subject that has always impressed me very much. I remember in particular a television service in which you could see a African child raised by a grown woman that was about to bring to practice female circumcision, and this girl, who knew or less what I expected it, wore a desolate, almost like an animal ready for slaughter. I do not think that in our reality, female circumcision is a widespread practice, but tonight we will know more certainly, on my part, I asked any of the information to our city councilor in charge of health, Tania Martignago, who works at the bargain ' City Hospital in obstetrics and gynecology department, who told me not to have seen many women infibulated in his work and that in any case the operation is almost always practiced in the country of origin, that is, women included in migration flows arriving here at the facts which have already occurred, unfortunately. But the figures speak of widespread illegal practices in Italy, despite a law that formally prohibits the activism of many organizations fighting this practice. "So it's a very sensitive issue, which I believe can be understood but not defended with the argument of cultural traditions. The system that regulates the female circumcision in Africa, or female genital mutilation, is complex and perfectly placed in certain contexts, but this practice is still unacceptable to the serious physical and psychological pain it causes in women who suffer it. This is true both in Africa and elsewhere. Thanks.
Paola Mariani, Assessor social and education to the City of Povegliano
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Ramon Noodles And The Stomach Bug
Female circumcision. A practice that still afflicts millions of women
Graubünden Italian - Even if the media did not pay due attention to the phenomenon of infibulation, the practice is assuming alarming proportions in Europe, where it was imported by immigrants from from different regions of Africa. The Swiss Confederation is not immune from the phenomenon of female: UNICEF, for example, some years ago estimated the presence of 6700 circumcised women in Switzerland. To understand this phenomenon and especially to learn to use the right words to make a constructive dialogue between those who oppose all'infibulazione and who, instead, practice and protection, we speak with a scholar Swiss cultural anthropologist Michael Nussio (1), that this phenomenon has also devoted his attention recently.
Dr. Nussio, what is meant by "female circumcision" and what, instead, the term "female circumcision"?
With "female circumcision" are various forms of the practice of female genital lesions ranging from simple to serious injury, by removing and sewing. The most extreme form is infibulation. In English we talk about "Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), but I prefer not to use the term" mutilation "but" circumcision. "
The term "mutilation" gives the impression of a form of violence that is the basis of this cultural practice.
According to her, because female circumcision is seen as important in social groups that carry it?
The reasons are manifold. It should be noted that where this occurs becomes the norm and is perceived as such. Adjectives like "brutal" or "uncivilized" to describe the practice or who should implement do not help to understand and resolve the issue. Women are often at work, women themselves are circumcised. They are mothers, grandmothers, elderly who do craft ...
How to understand all this?
In this context it becomes, as already mentioned, normal, right, indispensable. Sometimes the social pressure is strong enough to prevent you from doing otherwise. Female circumcision can be practiced within certain ethnic groups and thus becomes a distinctive sign of identity. Do not be circumcised may result in stigma, with all the consequences that this entails; not be able to marry is one example among many. You may also have connotations of initiation, to mark the passage from one phase to another and to emphasize, therefore, entry into the world of women with a new status. It takes place also for aesthetic reasons or to improve the health status. Also important is the question sexual. As for female circumcision is said to be often related to the nomadic polygamous, and it is important to avoid a cheating husband. In some cases, moreover, infibulation become a test of virginity. You could see, in some cases, this control the sexuality of women, woman holding the power to give birth to children, very important in society.
In which regions is practiced infibulation?
Female circumcision is practiced in Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan. In other countries there are other forms of circumcision female within the same country can live together but different forms. The World Health Organization provides the following data regarding the percentage of women between 15 and 49 circumcised: Benin 17%, 72% Burkina Faso, Cameroon 1%, 45% Chad, Côte d'Ivoire 42%, Djibouti 93% , Egypt 96%, Eritrea 89%, 74% Ethiopia, Gambia 78%, Ghana 4% and 96% Guinea, Guinea-Bissau 44%, Kenya 32%, Liberia 45%, Mali 91%, 71%, Mauritania, Niger 2% , Nigeria 19%, Oman (no data), Central African Republic 26%, Democratic Republic of Congo 5%, Senegal 28%, 98% of Sierra Leone, Somalia 97% Sudan 90%, Tanzania 14%, 6 Togo, Uganda 1%, Yemen 23%. It is currently practiced in some Western countries, the destination of many immigrants, such as Europe, Australia and the United States.
Many believe that female circumcision is practiced only by Muslims. It 's so or there are other religious groups who perform it?
is present in some African Muslims, Copts in Egypt and northern Sudan, the Ethiopian Jews in Israel, Ethiopian Jews, and animists in some people with no religion. As for Islam, there is no text that is clearly stated that the practice should take place. Female circumcision was born well before Islam. It is mentioned in a sunna, but the message non è chiaro e quindi viene praticata secondo l’interpretazione. Dal punto di vista legale è proibita in quanto la Sharia afferma che l’integrità del corpo deve essere garantita. È una pratica culturale che è tradizionale e non religiosa. Lo dimostra il fatto che sia presente prevalentemente in Africa. Interventi sui genitali femminili si riscontrano però anche in altri luoghi e in altri tempi, anche in Europa, e non tanto tempo fa.
Secondo lei, la cultura tipica di un gruppo etnico che pratica la circoncisione femminile, ha la stessa "dignità" di una cultura - come ad esempio quella europea - che invece "condanna" le circoncisioni definendole mutilazioni?
Sì. Io credo che every culture and every society, has the same dignity. Place the cultures on a scale of values \u200b\u200bis racism. Of cultural anthropology is that he no longer practiced this type of assessment, which, unfortunately, still common place in man. I believe that, although may be of importance in the group that puts in place, you can order individual cultural practices, it will. But we must also remember to look within their own group. The surgeries that many western women - but men undergo-to appear more beautiful, for those who are the standards of beauty in our society, are also in this direction.
Based on the hours you said, how does the position of scholars who argue that female circumcision can not be challenged because it is very important within the social group that is given?
The most extreme cultural relativism states that a cultural practice like the one in question should not be challenged because all cultures and therefore its products must be respected. Universalism, by contrast, argues that there are values \u200b\u200bto be applied to all. It is understandable, however, that not everyone has the same way of looking at certain values. It follows that it is difficult to implement certain human rights. Rimane però importante ricordare che si sta parlando di sofferenza. È una pratica che causa dei problemi alla salute, che causa dolore e nei casi più estremi anche morte, aspetti sui quali può essere più semplice far leva. Parlare di sessualità, di integrità del corpo o altro, può risultare più complicato.
In generale, quali sono i valori - salute, rispetto per la vita, libertà di pensiero, ecc. - che i gruppi che praticano le circoncisioni femminili hanno in comune con gli europei?
Ogni gruppo ha i suoi valori che all’interno di questo vengono considerati importanti. Fare dei paragoni tra Paesi lontani, in cui regnano culture diverse, è un compito molto arduo, se non impossibile. In quanto a salute, rispetto per la vita e libertà di pensiero, credo che esistano anche in Europa dei Paesi in cui a molte persone, non sono totalmente concessi. La malasanità di certi Paesi o l’ambiente lavorativo in cui certi operai sono obbligati a lavorare, ne sono un esempio.
Quali sono gli aspetti che ritiene interessanti in merito alla lotta portata avanti dalle donne locali per bandire la circoncisione femminile?
Credo che le donne locali possano contribuire a provocare dei cambiamenti, in quanto conoscitrici della loro cultura, in quanto, se attiviste, convinte. Ciò non toglie che degli ulteriori aiuti esterni possano donare dei frutti.
L'infibulazione viene praticata clandestinamente anche in Europa. Riguardo alla Confederazione Elvetica quali dati lei dispone sulle mutilazioni genitali femminili?
L’Unicef stimava, alcuni anni fa, la presenza di 6700 donne circoncise in Svizzera. A livello mondiale si parla di 100-140 milioni.
Quali possono essere - secondo lei - i pro e i contro di una eventuale legalizzazione della circoncisione femminile in Europa?
Da un lato si potrebbe garantire la libertà di esprimere la propria cultura, sotto forma di pratica culturale, a chi la considera importante. Nei nostri Paesi, tuttavia, la circoncisione femminile è considerata illegale. Alcuni Paesi hanno creato delle leggi apposite, altre la considerano una serious bodily injury. This is an issue around which revolve several ethical aspects: on the one hand we can ask who has the right to say what is the right thing, the other is to avoid suffering.
In conclusion, what is your opinion - as a woman and as an anthropologist - the phenomenon of mutilation?
understand the internal logic of the groups that practice and respect, but I do not accept a practice that causes suffering. This is not just about distant countries, but also ours. When a human being is subjected to cultural practices that cause suffering, I believe that everyone has the right to say their opinion on the matter. It is important to know the cultural context to understand, it is important to know all the ethical, but it is also important to take a stand. Go find a proper balance between cultural relativism and universality. It should be understood the culture of a society without a label it as something barbaric, but is nevertheless necessary to give a scale - through human rights - with which to measure. Relativism, then, to understand, universalism to discuss, talk, limit. The combination of the two approaches can perhaps provide an important new perspective to change the situation. I believe that even in our countries, however, there should be a lot more information and awareness, especially for those who work directly with immigrants. In different regions of Africa there have been changes, up to even the abandonment of the practice. History tells us that different cultural practices on the body, for their harm, have been abandoned. I hope this can happen even with female circumcision. (Edited by Charles Silvano, carlo.silvano @
(1) Nussio Michael holds a degree in anthropology at the University of Bologna. He published the essay "Puschlav: an alpine valley in the world", in "A Memory for migrants" by C. Silvano, GM editor 2007, pp. 67-83.
Graubünden Italian - Even if the media did not pay due attention to the phenomenon of infibulation, the practice is assuming alarming proportions in Europe, where it was imported by immigrants from from different regions of Africa. The Swiss Confederation is not immune from the phenomenon of female: UNICEF, for example, some years ago estimated the presence of 6700 circumcised women in Switzerland. To understand this phenomenon and especially to learn to use the right words to make a constructive dialogue between those who oppose all'infibulazione and who, instead, practice and protection, we speak with a scholar Swiss cultural anthropologist Michael Nussio (1), that this phenomenon has also devoted his attention recently.
Dr. Nussio, what is meant by "female circumcision" and what, instead, the term "female circumcision"?
With "female circumcision" are various forms of the practice of female genital lesions ranging from simple to serious injury, by removing and sewing. The most extreme form is infibulation. In English we talk about "Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), but I prefer not to use the term" mutilation "but" circumcision. "
The term "mutilation" gives the impression of a form of violence that is the basis of this cultural practice.
According to her, because female circumcision is seen as important in social groups that carry it?
The reasons are manifold. It should be noted that where this occurs becomes the norm and is perceived as such. Adjectives like "brutal" or "uncivilized" to describe the practice or who should implement do not help to understand and resolve the issue. Women are often at work, women themselves are circumcised. They are mothers, grandmothers, elderly who do craft ...
How to understand all this?
In this context it becomes, as already mentioned, normal, right, indispensable. Sometimes the social pressure is strong enough to prevent you from doing otherwise. Female circumcision can be practiced within certain ethnic groups and thus becomes a distinctive sign of identity. Do not be circumcised may result in stigma, with all the consequences that this entails; not be able to marry is one example among many. You may also have connotations of initiation, to mark the passage from one phase to another and to emphasize, therefore, entry into the world of women with a new status. It takes place also for aesthetic reasons or to improve the health status. Also important is the question sexual. As for female circumcision is said to be often related to the nomadic polygamous, and it is important to avoid a cheating husband. In some cases, moreover, infibulation become a test of virginity. You could see, in some cases, this control the sexuality of women, woman holding the power to give birth to children, very important in society.
In which regions is practiced infibulation?
Female circumcision is practiced in Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan. In other countries there are other forms of circumcision female within the same country can live together but different forms. The World Health Organization provides the following data regarding the percentage of women between 15 and 49 circumcised: Benin 17%, 72% Burkina Faso, Cameroon 1%, 45% Chad, Côte d'Ivoire 42%, Djibouti 93% , Egypt 96%, Eritrea 89%, 74% Ethiopia, Gambia 78%, Ghana 4% and 96% Guinea, Guinea-Bissau 44%, Kenya 32%, Liberia 45%, Mali 91%, 71%, Mauritania, Niger 2% , Nigeria 19%, Oman (no data), Central African Republic 26%, Democratic Republic of Congo 5%, Senegal 28%, 98% of Sierra Leone, Somalia 97% Sudan 90%, Tanzania 14%, 6 Togo, Uganda 1%, Yemen 23%. It is currently practiced in some Western countries, the destination of many immigrants, such as Europe, Australia and the United States.
Many believe that female circumcision is practiced only by Muslims. It 's so or there are other religious groups who perform it?
is present in some African Muslims, Copts in Egypt and northern Sudan, the Ethiopian Jews in Israel, Ethiopian Jews, and animists in some people with no religion. As for Islam, there is no text that is clearly stated that the practice should take place. Female circumcision was born well before Islam. It is mentioned in a sunna, but the message non è chiaro e quindi viene praticata secondo l’interpretazione. Dal punto di vista legale è proibita in quanto la Sharia afferma che l’integrità del corpo deve essere garantita. È una pratica culturale che è tradizionale e non religiosa. Lo dimostra il fatto che sia presente prevalentemente in Africa. Interventi sui genitali femminili si riscontrano però anche in altri luoghi e in altri tempi, anche in Europa, e non tanto tempo fa.
Secondo lei, la cultura tipica di un gruppo etnico che pratica la circoncisione femminile, ha la stessa "dignità" di una cultura - come ad esempio quella europea - che invece "condanna" le circoncisioni definendole mutilazioni?
Sì. Io credo che every culture and every society, has the same dignity. Place the cultures on a scale of values \u200b\u200bis racism. Of cultural anthropology is that he no longer practiced this type of assessment, which, unfortunately, still common place in man. I believe that, although may be of importance in the group that puts in place, you can order individual cultural practices, it will. But we must also remember to look within their own group. The surgeries that many western women - but men undergo-to appear more beautiful, for those who are the standards of beauty in our society, are also in this direction.
Based on the hours you said, how does the position of scholars who argue that female circumcision can not be challenged because it is very important within the social group that is given?
The most extreme cultural relativism states that a cultural practice like the one in question should not be challenged because all cultures and therefore its products must be respected. Universalism, by contrast, argues that there are values \u200b\u200bto be applied to all. It is understandable, however, that not everyone has the same way of looking at certain values. It follows that it is difficult to implement certain human rights. Rimane però importante ricordare che si sta parlando di sofferenza. È una pratica che causa dei problemi alla salute, che causa dolore e nei casi più estremi anche morte, aspetti sui quali può essere più semplice far leva. Parlare di sessualità, di integrità del corpo o altro, può risultare più complicato.
In generale, quali sono i valori - salute, rispetto per la vita, libertà di pensiero, ecc. - che i gruppi che praticano le circoncisioni femminili hanno in comune con gli europei?
Ogni gruppo ha i suoi valori che all’interno di questo vengono considerati importanti. Fare dei paragoni tra Paesi lontani, in cui regnano culture diverse, è un compito molto arduo, se non impossibile. In quanto a salute, rispetto per la vita e libertà di pensiero, credo che esistano anche in Europa dei Paesi in cui a molte persone, non sono totalmente concessi. La malasanità di certi Paesi o l’ambiente lavorativo in cui certi operai sono obbligati a lavorare, ne sono un esempio.
Quali sono gli aspetti che ritiene interessanti in merito alla lotta portata avanti dalle donne locali per bandire la circoncisione femminile?
Credo che le donne locali possano contribuire a provocare dei cambiamenti, in quanto conoscitrici della loro cultura, in quanto, se attiviste, convinte. Ciò non toglie che degli ulteriori aiuti esterni possano donare dei frutti.
L'infibulazione viene praticata clandestinamente anche in Europa. Riguardo alla Confederazione Elvetica quali dati lei dispone sulle mutilazioni genitali femminili?
L’Unicef stimava, alcuni anni fa, la presenza di 6700 donne circoncise in Svizzera. A livello mondiale si parla di 100-140 milioni.
Quali possono essere - secondo lei - i pro e i contro di una eventuale legalizzazione della circoncisione femminile in Europa?
Da un lato si potrebbe garantire la libertà di esprimere la propria cultura, sotto forma di pratica culturale, a chi la considera importante. Nei nostri Paesi, tuttavia, la circoncisione femminile è considerata illegale. Alcuni Paesi hanno creato delle leggi apposite, altre la considerano una serious bodily injury. This is an issue around which revolve several ethical aspects: on the one hand we can ask who has the right to say what is the right thing, the other is to avoid suffering.
In conclusion, what is your opinion - as a woman and as an anthropologist - the phenomenon of mutilation?
understand the internal logic of the groups that practice and respect, but I do not accept a practice that causes suffering. This is not just about distant countries, but also ours. When a human being is subjected to cultural practices that cause suffering, I believe that everyone has the right to say their opinion on the matter. It is important to know the cultural context to understand, it is important to know all the ethical, but it is also important to take a stand. Go find a proper balance between cultural relativism and universality. It should be understood the culture of a society without a label it as something barbaric, but is nevertheless necessary to give a scale - through human rights - with which to measure. Relativism, then, to understand, universalism to discuss, talk, limit. The combination of the two approaches can perhaps provide an important new perspective to change the situation. I believe that even in our countries, however, there should be a lot more information and awareness, especially for those who work directly with immigrants. In different regions of Africa there have been changes, up to even the abandonment of the practice. History tells us that different cultural practices on the body, for their harm, have been abandoned. I hope this can happen even with female circumcision. (Edited by Charles Silvano, carlo.silvano @
(1) Nussio Michael holds a degree in anthropology at the University of Bologna. He published the essay "Puschlav: an alpine valley in the world", in "A Memory for migrants" by C. Silvano, GM editor 2007, pp. 67-83.
Friday, October 9, 2009
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Friday, October 9 - to Santandrà Povegliano (Treviso) - held a meeting dedicated to the practice of infibulation.
is Holiness' THE HUMAN BODY
Good evening everybody, my name is Charles
Silvano and this evening I have to moderate a meeting on the theme of infibulation, or one of the many aspects of today's migration. It 's a meeting sponsored and organized by the Association Villorba section of Treviso in the World has always been attentive to the reality of migration and to resources, wealth and the problems that migrants bring with them.
Not long ago I attended a program dedicated alla tragica morte di Sanaa Dafani, una ragazza marocchina uccisa a Pordenone dal proprio genitore, e mentre ascoltavo i vari interventi, pensavo che se da un lato la realtà immigratoria può contribuire alla crescita del nostro Paese, dall'altra pone nuovi problemi e nuove illegalità un tempo sconosciute nella nostra società.
Mi riferisco, in particolare, al fenomeno della poligamia e a quello dell'infibulazione di cui parleremo stasera.
Quando si parla di mutilazioni genitali occorre, però, subito fare una distinzione tra l'infibulazione praticata nei Paesi di origine (alcuni Stati dell'Africa e della penisola arabica) e quella praticata in Europa.
Intanto è difficile intervenire in countries where female circumcision has been practiced for centuries: the reasons are manifold.
[...] So if, for various reasons, it is not easy to intervene in countries where female circumcision is rooted for centuries, but in Europe we have a duty to make the so-called dot the "i".
[ from left to right: Luca Baggio (Regional Council - Veneto), Paola Mariani (Councillor to the City of Povegliano), Carla Silva (moderator), Vincenzo Aloisi (gynecologist), Massimo Valli (pastoral worker) and John Borsato (President World Association of Treviso - section Villorba ) ]
What about all'infibulazione, moving to different estimates on the Italian situation: there are those who talk about six hundred girls, who speaks a thousand girls, daughters of immigrants, exposed each year to this problem. It 's a question that can not remain indifferent, and for respect for these girls that are mutilated in this country, and because for a peaceful and constructive coexistence is well that those who moved to Italy in search of better living conditions to learn respect our laws.
That those who, in search of better living conditions, is in Italy to get away from situations of poverty, disease, war, moral degradation, and more, has a duty to "leave" in proprio Paese di origine anche tutte quelle pratiche e quelle consuetudini che le nostre leggi vietano.
Ciò perché per “migliori condizioni di vita” non si devono intendere solo i benefici che derivano dall'avere, ad esempio, un'abitazione degna di essere chiamata casa, un conto in banca, un'auto, un telefonino e altro ancora, ma anche e soprattutto quelle conquiste civili che si esprimono attraverso la libertà personale, come quella di manifestare le proprie idee politiche, un proprio stile di vita, la propria fede, e, non ultima, anche la libertà di decidere di abbandonare la religione della propria comunità di origine per abbracciare un nuovo credo religioso.
E' giusto, dunque, that a foreign worker seeks the reunification of their families, provided, however, that will not prevent their loved ones, once they arrive in Italy, to make choices, to be free to adopt those lifestyles that are in our country shared, even if they are in sharp contrast with the mores of the country of origin.
Dafani Sanaa's murder, killed by her father, not only upsets the manner in which the crime occurred, but also because his father - being in Italy for several years - had to be aware that when you come to our country its expensive, they could - coma Sanaa did - to make their own choices.
Resta, però, un punto fondamentale che dobbiamo sempre tener presente: se vogliamo – e giustamente pretendiamo – che chi viene in Italia rispetti le nostre leggi, dobbiamo allora essere noi per primi a rispettarle e ad avere il senso delle Istituzioni previste dalla nostra Costituzione.
Al''incontro di stasera partecipa il dottor Vincenzo Aloisi, ginecologo, il quale parlerà dell'infibulazione come medico.
Seguirà un intervento del dottor Massimo Valli, che offrirà una serie di spunti per la riflessione toccando alcuni aspetti storici, giuridici ed etici della mutilazione genitale femminile.
La parola, poi, passerà al dottor Giovanni Borsato, president of the Association of Villorba Treviso in the World. Dr. Borsato building on experience gained from many emigrants Treviso he will give us some ideas to reflect on the conditions of those who - today - to leave their homeland to seek a better life.
Before giving the floor to Dr. Aloisi, I am grateful for their presence, the regional director Luca Baggio, the commissioner of the City of Paola Mariani and Mr. Povegliano. Maria Bortoletto Montebelluna. [...]
Then we start with Dr. Aloisi ...
Carlo Silvano
Santandrà Povegliano, October 9, 2009
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
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Mesocco (CH). "The opening of the San Bernardino tunnel took place fifty years ago - debuts the prof. Luigi Corfu, commenting on the work carried out during a recent conference dedicated to the San Bernardino - prompted rapid transformation processes that have profoundly affected the landscape, economy, culture and social structure of the regions located near the same as the Mesolcina. The impact has had different effects on the north and the south, which differ in the natural, social cohesion and cultural identity. While under a general abandonment of the mountain to the north, there has to maintain a sound agricultural base and a balanced tourism economy shared by much of the population. To the south, however, there was, if less experienced a traumatic transition from the base of support - made up by strenuous activity in the primary sector - the absolute predominance of white-collar service sector, with the abandonment of much of the land cultivated vegetation wild, and urbanization are often alien to local culture and the deep interest of the community.
Prof. Corfu, who has promoted and organized this conference?
The idea, launched by the largest living history of the Grisons, Martin Bundi, was supported by the Society for Research on Culture Grisons, which took over the sponsorship with the town of Mesocco. The organization is affected to a small workgroup.
"The Way of San Bernardino" was the title given to the conference. Why?
The San Bernardino is located on one of the seven main transit routes through the Alps, a street whose history, as witnessed by the remains, from archival documents and oral testimony, is better understood when taking into account the topographical and environmental local as well as other road connections to the north and south of the pass itself.
present real benefits which, in its view, there are for the people of Mesolcina respect to the axis of San Bernardino?
There is no denying that the way of San Bernardino offers many jobs for the inhabitants of the two sides in the form of civil servants, parastatal, or related activities induced. Of course, the road structure allows fast and secure connections with the city at the foot of the north and south of the Alps swinging the contribution made by a potentially favorable, but strangely little used, the tourism industry in Mesolcina.
During the conference, several speakers have spoken. On the intervention of Dr. Andrea Marca on "The new documentation center on the historic streets: mesolcinesi materials", in your opinion, what were and why steps more interesting?
Andrea Marca placed emphasis on two particular features of the new Research Centre: a) it includes both the original documents or copies actually placed in the Archives in March of Mesocco, b) it also presents documents located elsewhere, but digitized and then consult the database of the Archive. In the medium term is therefore to collect as many sources on the subject, to draw up to make them available through the website, email, sending post or, where necessary, consultation within.
How do you rate the work carried out during the conference and what are your opinion, the conclusions emerged that deserve attention?
all the numbers have expressed their satisfaction with the formula and the quality of interventions. As organizers, we can say that the objectives were fully achieved if not exceeded. The proposed inventory will be used in the preparation of the core materials of systematic documentation, processing and publication of a handy guide cultural tourism, accommodation of a map of areas of local and national historical significance, a deeper understanding of issues relevant complementary to enhance cultural tourism in the region.
On Friday 21 and Saturday, August 22, there were also visits Nature ...
Fantastic. Especially the one on the San Bernardino. Occurred. addition to the participants, including several specialists, so that has become almost traveling in a small conference, a banquet of interesting comments ranging from meteorology to botany, from history to geology.
[ Participants at the conference during a visit to the natural
San Bernardino Pass ]
There will be a new appointment? Can you give us a preview?
For the moment we want to process the collected materials. Then if the interest is still alive ...
( by Carlo Silvano )
Mesocco (CH). "The opening of the San Bernardino tunnel took place fifty years ago - debuts the prof. Luigi Corfu, commenting on the work carried out during a recent conference dedicated to the San Bernardino - prompted rapid transformation processes that have profoundly affected the landscape, economy, culture and social structure of the regions located near the same as the Mesolcina. The impact has had different effects on the north and the south, which differ in the natural, social cohesion and cultural identity. While under a general abandonment of the mountain to the north, there has to maintain a sound agricultural base and a balanced tourism economy shared by much of the population. To the south, however, there was, if less experienced a traumatic transition from the base of support - made up by strenuous activity in the primary sector - the absolute predominance of white-collar service sector, with the abandonment of much of the land cultivated vegetation wild, and urbanization are often alien to local culture and the deep interest of the community.
Prof. Corfu, who has promoted and organized this conference?
The idea, launched by the largest living history of the Grisons, Martin Bundi, was supported by the Society for Research on Culture Grisons, which took over the sponsorship with the town of Mesocco. The organization is affected to a small workgroup.
"The Way of San Bernardino" was the title given to the conference. Why?
The San Bernardino is located on one of the seven main transit routes through the Alps, a street whose history, as witnessed by the remains, from archival documents and oral testimony, is better understood when taking into account the topographical and environmental local as well as other road connections to the north and south of the pass itself.
present real benefits which, in its view, there are for the people of Mesolcina respect to the axis of San Bernardino?
There is no denying that the way of San Bernardino offers many jobs for the inhabitants of the two sides in the form of civil servants, parastatal, or related activities induced. Of course, the road structure allows fast and secure connections with the city at the foot of the north and south of the Alps swinging the contribution made by a potentially favorable, but strangely little used, the tourism industry in Mesolcina.
During the conference, several speakers have spoken. On the intervention of Dr. Andrea Marca on "The new documentation center on the historic streets: mesolcinesi materials", in your opinion, what were and why steps more interesting?
Andrea Marca placed emphasis on two particular features of the new Research Centre: a) it includes both the original documents or copies actually placed in the Archives in March of Mesocco, b) it also presents documents located elsewhere, but digitized and then consult the database of the Archive. In the medium term is therefore to collect as many sources on the subject, to draw up to make them available through the website, email, sending post or, where necessary, consultation within.
How do you rate the work carried out during the conference and what are your opinion, the conclusions emerged that deserve attention?
all the numbers have expressed their satisfaction with the formula and the quality of interventions. As organizers, we can say that the objectives were fully achieved if not exceeded. The proposed inventory will be used in the preparation of the core materials of systematic documentation, processing and publication of a handy guide cultural tourism, accommodation of a map of areas of local and national historical significance, a deeper understanding of issues relevant complementary to enhance cultural tourism in the region.
On Friday 21 and Saturday, August 22, there were also visits Nature ...
Fantastic. Especially the one on the San Bernardino. Occurred. addition to the participants, including several specialists, so that has become almost traveling in a small conference, a banquet of interesting comments ranging from meteorology to botany, from history to geology.

[ Participants at the conference during a visit to the natural
San Bernardino Pass ]
There will be a new appointment? Can you give us a preview?
For the moment we want to process the collected materials. Then if the interest is still alive ...
( by Carlo Silvano )
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