Thursday, October 28, 2010
Microfiber And Microsuede Difference
Quinto di Treviso - This evening there were about 140 people to listen Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Baghdad, in the auditorium of the parish church in Quinto di Treviso. The event was sponsored and organized by the parish priest Don Artemio Favaro and his valuable collaborator Don Philip, who acted as interpreter. Bishop Sliwa, returning from the Synod of the Eastern Churches just ended in Rome, spoke of the suffering that Iraqi Christians are experimenting on their own skin in the past seven years, when Western armies have invaded his country to free it from Saddam's dictatorship. Murders, bombings and kidnappings are commonplace and many Christian families have decided to leave Iraq to search - for instance in Canada - a better life and, above all, to escape the violence.
Bishop Sliwa started his "conversation" talking about the roots of his Church, which dates back to the late first century when Jesus Christ, still alive, sent in a city that was then Iraq's own disciple. Since then, Iraq has had strong Christian roots and the many missionaries have left their land, some of which arrived in China and Japan. Sliwa
Bishop also spoke of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, dwelling at length on the daily lives of Christians and their commitment to build peace in their country.
In private I have to ask the bishop Sliwa explanation is the possibility that Catholic priests in his diocese (they are of the Chaldean rite) have to be married, and on the socio-economic status of Christians.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Got Wet Indicator On Cell Phone
We hereby inform you that the new notices have been published RDP (Rural Development Plan) under the Campania region to help the sectors:
- Agriculture (in particular, measures 121 and 122);
- Agro - industrial (in particular the measure 123);
In particolare evidenziamo che sono state rifinanziate tutte le misure che chiusero per esaurimento fondi tra cui quella relativa alle attività di agriturismo (misura 311).
Elenco delle misure previste dal PSR
Misura 112 - Insediamento di giovani agricoltori
Misura 113 Prepensionamento degli imprenditori e dei lavoratori agricoli
Misura 114 Utilizzo dei servizi di consulenza
Misura 115 Avviamento dei servizi di assistenza alla gestione, di sostituzione e di consulenza aziendale - tipologie a) e b)
Misura 121 Ammodernamento delle aziende agricole
Misura 122 Accrescimento del valore economico delle foreste
Misura 123 Accrescimento del valore aggiunto dei prodotti agricoli e forestali
Misura 125 Infrastrutture connesse allo sviluppo e all'adeguamento dell’agricoltura e della silvicoltura - sottomisure 2 e 3
Misura 126 Ripristino del potenziale produttivo agricolo danneggiato da calamità naturali e introduzione di adeguate misure di prevenzione
Misura 131 Sostegno agli agricoltori per conformarsi alle norme rigorose basate sulla legislazione comunitaria
Misura 132 Sostegno agli agricoltori che partecipano ai sistemi di qualità alimentare
Misura 133 Sostegno alle associazioni di produttori per attività di informazione e promozione riguardo ai prodotti che rientrano nei sistemi di qualità
Size 144 Holdings restructuring in the reform of the Common Market Organisation
Cluster Size 112-121 Setting up of young farmers and farm modernization
Size 216 Non-productive investments
Size 221 Afforestation of agricultural land, only for the part to investment
Measure 223 First afforestation of non-agricultural , only for the part in investment
Size 226 Restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention
Size 227 Non-productive investments
Measure 311 Diversification into non-agricultural activities
Size 313 Encouragement of tourism activities
Measure 321 essential services to people living in rural areas
For further information or clarification we are at your disposal. You can write to us at and you will be contacted.Friday, October 15, 2010
Ideas For A 35th Birthday
TREVISO - He knew the prison world in 1996. Before then it had never entered a prison, and just thinking back to that "first" day spent in travel corridors and local everywhere where there are gates, security doors and bars, Pedro Zardo note that we begin to feel very strange, almost eerie. For nearly fourteen years
Don Pietro is chaplain of the House district of Treviso, in many ways a place where there is the inhumane rule of survival. "Everyone lives for himself - says Pedro - and there is that the relational system that allows you to exchange human feelings, such as those related to reception, trust and solidarity. There are common areas and even meals are consumed in the cell. Over time I have put some more questions and I grew up on the field, because when I agreed to do the chaplain at St. Bona had no specific training requirements. Now, however, I realized that we should not commit some mistakes, how to break the endless rules and regulations governing the enrollment and attendance at prison facilities. "
Invited by parish priests and local administrators Pedro Zardo in recent months has spoken at numerous meetings on the reality of detention, where he had occasion to speak of his book entitled "Doomed to live. The daily life of prisoners in the prison chaplain told by its Treviso "(http / / /). He recently resigned as pastor of a small community just outside of Treviso to devote almost esclusivamente alla cura pastorale dei carcerati. Ora vive nella canonica di Fanzolo.
[ don Pietro Zardo e lo scrittore Arrigo Petacco ]
Don Pietro, il primo impatto col carcere è stato quindi molto forte, anche per come sono iniziati i suoi rapporti con i detenuti ?
Sì, perché sono persone che si rivolgono a me come a qualcuno che può dare loro qualcosa. Intanto i detenuti percepiscono il cappellano come una figura che non ha fini come quelli disciplinari o, comunque, istituzionali; sentono che il prete è un uomo verso cui poter andare senza timori e a cui raccontare problemi personali e familiari.
Il most difficult problem?
When I began to meet with prisoners, I met people that I posed many difficulties and I did not feel up to face and manage the contact point for pressing issues. You can not set foot in a prison in a pietistic, and it is important to be as close as possible to the reality of the inmates. I find myself, so every morning to have personal meetings with inmates without barriers, and without filters hear stories imaginable. The prison has led me to discover life experiences with a thickness of a problematic and difficult to understand for those who, over the wall, place his life between family, work and leisure.
The overcrowding is a major problem ...
Yes, recently we have reached a situation unimaginable housing that a very strong internal mobility.
[ represented. Mary and Don Pietro Bortoletto Zardo ]
In what sense?
So many people come and then be transferred elsewhere, in other prisons. This creates several problems, particularly when we follow the rehabilitation of a single inmate.
What is the average annual admissions to prison ?
We currently have an average of about three hundred people. If we compare them with data for January 2007 when the inmates were 159, we can say that the attendance was doubled.
But the prison can accommodate Treviso those detainees?
E 'a structure that, according to permits issued by the competent Ministry, can accommodate one hundred and twenty inmates. It 'clear that as the inmates are rising, soaring, the problems mainly due to space, both in the cells of the common areas. Especially in warm environments of inmates become unbearable to the non-circulation of fresh air. Because of the sweltering heat, unable to breathe air for odors, and indoor and narrow, there are days that the prisoners seem to be living in a hellish place. In short, live in conditions in which prisoners are forced, is to add a sentence to the sentence imposed by the court.
addition to these structural problems, there are other issues ?
Because of the continuing spending cuts for the inmates happen to be lacking toilet paper, detergents and disinfectants. There are no funds for the purchase of clothing to be provided to inmates, and many foreigners who have neither the financial ability, nor can they count on support from family or friends, are completely lacking.
[ Zardo Don Pedro and Don Domenico Pellizzer, pastor of Montebelluna Watch ]
In these cases involved someone ?
Personally, I often have to buy toilet paper at my expense and disinfectants. I buy new underwear, too, while other clothing and enlist the help of private associations.
Because of poor sanitation and epidemics are recorded cases of disease ?
also happen that someone gets sick, such as scabies, and that the infected inmates.
In prison there's also drug ...
Yes, and although many are not, however, their presence is a constant. In prison break the toxic drug use and health care are followed through with methadone. Votes also a chance to talk with psychologists and are still followed and treated by Sert jurisdiction. I noticed that whoever ends up in a cell in the company of those that are toxic even small dealers, is subjected to a severe pounding psychological pretend that these guys do nothing during their busy day to talk about how to obtain drugs, how to cut, where to sell and how to use it. It 's like a record that once the music returns to the beginning and it looks like there is for it to stop.
you know the tensions and problems of House District: has anything changed in recent years ?
From my observation I have no way to collect the confidences and the repentance of those who ended up in jail by choice or compulsion, and I have found that in recent times, the prison has changed and the tension inside rose. The real transformation there has been an increase in crime with foreign, of different ethnic groups who have to live here.
In the past, but there were also clashes due to the religious .
Yes it is true that about ten years ago there were fundamentalists who sought confrontation and conflict and have created problems. Today is different. The Muslims ask, like the others, a serious relationship with a man of faith. In recent years I have learned that the prison led to clashes and to reflect about themselves and everyone, without distinction have unexpressed need: to feel re-evaluated, knowing that their DNA is equal to that of other men.
If a dictionary would define the term "prison", which would use words and expressions ?
For as I see it, call it a closed container. The people taken to jail - because they are certainly unfair - they are put there with no hope, and this is the hardest aspect of the prison and awful to deal with. ( by Carlo Silvano )
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Is A Half Pad Necessary?
few days to attend a meeting as a moderator on the prison at Treviso organized by Daniel Zanetti the library at Montebelluna (Treviso). Danilo is not only the "librarian" historic Montebelluna, but also the editor and president of the Association of Editors of the Veneto.
[ in the photo with Danilo Zanetti, Loggia dei Cavalieri di Treviso, October 2010 ]
Below I post the press release prepared for the evening.
Friday, October 15, 2010, at 20:30
Montebelluna at Library Square in Zanetti
Oberkochen held a meeting on
Chambers. Maria BORTOLETTO ( cons. Prov. ANVGD )
dr. Carla Silva ( sociologist )
Pedro ZARDO ( chaplain of the home district of Treviso )
During the evening will introduce the book by Fr Peter Zardo entitled " condemned to live. The daily life of prisoners the prison chaplain told by its Treviso.
It 's a book that seeks to highlight the humanity of prisoners and their problems, without misconstruing their faults. It will be a journey into a world little known and difficult. The prison issue is raised the stories of inmates, both men and women of flesh and bones. Ignore what happens inside prisons mean throwing in the towel on the serious problem of justice in Italy.
The meeting will also be treated the problems of suicide in the house of detention, the overcrowding of children detained with their mothers and the rights of crime victims. The theme will be an opportunity to get to know the
prison system and to reflect on how Christian communities must deal with this reality, but also on what should be done because the detention policy can actually become an educational tool.
For info. Mr. Bortoletto 348 9156269